Ridicule or Reason on JWD? What do you do?....

by ScoobySnax 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    Both......at times. If an argument is made saying that we should lay off JWs because they really DO have the truth and then we are called on it with specific points to PROVE otherwise, and we never give a solid refutation back, then I might get a little aggravated. BUT----if a person sincerely wanted to know what our reasons were for feeling a certain way and could not genuinely comprehend it, I would try to kindly explain things......... So Scooby, you must be going to the meetings regularly now to pick up your magazine order so that you can leave the literature with the other mags.

  • Elsewhere

    I don't waist my breath on JWs...

    I just "blow" them "kisses" while mooning them.

  • Cicatrix

    I don't personally make it a habit to ridicule anyone, but I am one of the ones who has admitted to burning my literature and feeling good about it. But hey, how many times did we hear about those "magic practicing priests" who burned all their books when they left their "demonic" faith? How many times were we counselled to get rid of, not only our books, but pictures, decorations, or anything else that wouldn't "please Jehovah" (or maybe lead us to 'gasp' think for ourselves)?

    Book burning is a powerful symbol, one I chose to utilize for myself. I don't tell other people what to do with their literature. I don't collect literature from public places and throw it away or burn it.But I did choose to symbolize the end of my relationship with an extremely authoritarian religion that has hurt me to the core by reducing to ashes my personal collection of all of the dogma they preach.

    I am not sorry for what I did. If anyone lurking here is offended by it, I suggest that they start perusing the posts here. Maybe then they will understand why some of us are hurt or angry enough to take this action.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Why did this crack me up so much? this is the funniest thing I've seen in quite a while

  • myauntfanny

    I try not to ridicule anybody, because even if they are a total troll there's a person back there. BUT (here it comes) when someone comes on here with that JW condescending tone, telling me how it all is and calling people "dear" (and why do they do that so much, do they not realise how obnoxious it is?) then I do have the impulse to ridicule them. I usually try to resist, and sometimes I fail. I also find it very difficult to respect someone whose whole life revolves around the hope that I and everyone I love will die as soon as possible. When I've confronted JWs about this they've said, "it's not personal, it's just like someone who commits a crime has to go to jail". Oh, okay, now I'm not offended any more. Then they feel sorry for themselves because people respond with fear and loathing. What do they expect? If someone walked up to them and said "you're evil because you don't believe like I do and God hates you and you will die horribly very soon if I have my way", they wouldn't be too enchanted.

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