Warning to Kerry supporters (graphic)

by SixofNine 43 Replies latest social current

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    NO ONE in the liberal camp wants radical Islam to win.

    So revealing, so revealing, in addition to not being true MOST Liberals Just Want The US To Lose!

  • Perry

    Hey old friend! Still whuppin' up on old Bushy eh?

    How's it been going?

  • maybesbabies

    Sixy, it would be funny if it wasn't so true.

    MOST Liberals Just Want The US To Lose!

    Wow Porkchop, quite the generalization, I consider myself a total patriot who loves my country so much that I can't stand the though of four more years of Bush destroying everything that I hold dear about this country. Oh yeah, and I'm a liberal.

  • blacksheep

    MOST Liberals Just Want The US To Lose!

    So true. Their undermining behavior for the troops is so clear. They are more concerned about the terrorists and Iraqi POWs and all of the "innocent" Iraqis who may die by accident if we get to tough over there.

    The answer? A waffling president who's can't figure out if he's a war criminal or war hero, who is ashamed of his military conduct but at the same time tries to leverage his "heroism" at every turn, who doesn't take accountablity for his conduct in 'nam, but just blames the chain of command...

    Yes, that's the true valiant leader we need to defeat terrorism...

  • Crazy151drinker

    Kerry: President

    Chairman Mao: VP

    Ho Chi Minh: Secretary of Defense

    Stalin: Director of combined FBI/CIA/Homeland Defense

  • SixofNine
    How's it been going?

    Hola! It's been going good. I've got so much stuff going on you wouldn't believe that I'd care enough to take time out for George Bush, lol.

    I'm doing my first ever food shoot tomorrow, for a "cooking light" mexican cookbook, so we'll see how well I can fake it till I make it If all these "foodies" knew their photographer can barely make spaghetti, I'm not sure I would have gotten the job!

    How things with you and yours? Still traveling to shows much?

  • Perry

    Not to high jack the thread here.... but Marika and I got Married! Today is our 3 month anniversary. We didn't tell a soul, flew to Las Vegas like the good little recluses we've become. We called her parents the next morning. I was told her dad immediately thereafter met some of his friends at a bar and bought them drinks. I'm reasonable sure it was for celebration purposes. If I do not return from Czech Republic in September you'll know that I was mistaken.

    BTW, the living room shot you took of the 4 foot aviary was a winner.... been selling lots. I redid the the outdoor 6 ft. It's supposed to come out in around 10 days. I really need you to use your skill to do a shot of a neoc-classical furniture quality perch stand I'm having made. I'll be ready to ship the proto-type to ya in a week or two.

    Now back to the BushMan.

  • Perry


    It's not the spaghetti they will be concerned about. If anyone can make beef enchiladas look light on film you can. You, you magic camara man you.

  • SixofNine

    Well damn!!!! Don't talk to your friends for a few months, and look what happens. Congrats to you both!

    Glad to hear your stuff is rolling out the doors. I'll catch up with you soon on things.

  • roybatty
    They belong in the 15th century when kings and their henchmen ran supreme, when the law was only a made up document to be changed at will when the king and his henchmen felt like it.

    Hmmm...never seen a "king" grovel so much as Bush has done the last few days.

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