Regulations Beyond Those Provided in the Scriptures

by Corvin 42 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Faraon

    CHRISTIAN association. (YMCA) or Young Men's Christian Association not allowed to go there.

    Children not to join Boy or Girl Scouts

    Children not allowed to join team sports

    Chess playing

    Keeping newspapers with horoscopes in them (practically all)

    Not beating up your kids for being kids in the hall.

    Writing "don't let your left hand know what your right hand gives" across the monthly report.

    Not snitching on your "brothers" even if it doesn't concern you, unless they are pedophiliacs and don't have another witness.

    Telling the truth if it brings shame on the bOrg.

    Celebrating your Wedding anniversary if it falls on St Patrick's day.

    Waiting on Jehovah to change his mind or send his spirits with new light.

    Owning Smurf dolls or Trolls instead of sending them to JWDF.

    Talking to your parents or children if they left the Borg. It is more important to honor the bOrg than your father and mother.

    Entering a church while they are conducting services. Paul, Jesus and the others, went into synagoges.


  • Nosferatu

    As far as the pepperoni thing goes, I knew JWs who would ask if there's any meat by-products in the pepperoni at Pizza Hut.

    Also, don't forget about resisting the temptation to buy stuff at garage sales, they may contain demons! You will especially want to avoid the church garage sales, since the money goes to satan, then one of his demons posesses the item you purchased! Oh, and don't be buying any cookies from cute little girls at your doorstep either! The money goes to satan, and although the cookies taste good, satan has poisoned them with his sweetness!

    Oh yeah, and NEVER use electric guitars to play Kingdom Melodies either! You might stumbe someone into thinking your playing worldly music, and you'll be disrespecting Jehovah for using an instrument made to play SATAN's music!

  • TowerWatch

    Anyone else remember when we were told we should not eat any candy bars made by the Mars Candy Co. i.e. Milky Way, Mars Bars, Snickers etc. because they contained Lecithin. It was thought that the Mars Candy Co. used Lecithin made with blood.


  • blondie

    The last question was in 1979. Notice how the WTS eases into "new light."

    w63 2/15 123-4 Carry Your Own Load of Responsibility ***

    For example, while lecithin is found in blood, it is also derived from soybeans, which happen to be the common commercial source of most lecithin. If there is doubt about a product, it is up to the individual to investigate by inquiring of the manufacturer. He cannot expect a brother in the congregation to rule on the matter for him; the brother did not make the product and neither did the Society. The substance may have been derived from blood or it may not. He must bear his own load of responsibility.

    w79 3/15 31 Questions from Readers

    Lecithin is found in blood. And many processed foods have lecithin as an ingredient. Is such lecithin obtained from blood?

    No, there is no reason for thinking so.

    Lecithin is a natural substance that has many industrial uses because of its affinity for both oil and water in an emulsion. It is often used commercially in ice cream, candies and baking products, as well as in some cosmetics and chemical products. But what is the source of this lecithin?

    Lecithin is a phospholipid present in all living cells. The 1977 Encyclopedia Americana points out: "The highest concentrations of lecithins are found in brain and nervous tissue and in red blood cells. They are also present in large quantities in egg yolk and in some types of plant seeds."?Vol. 17, p. 147.

    The fact that blood contains lecithin has been of concern to some Christians who have seen lecithin listed as an ingredient on food labels. The Bible commands Christians to ?abstain from blood.? (Acts 15:28, 29) They should thus avoid eating unbled meat and foods made with blood, such as blood sausage or blood pudding. Since red blood cells, though, contain concentrations of lecithin, some Christians have refused to eat any product having lecithin listed as an ingredient. Others have felt compelled to write to manufacturers to check on the source of the lecithin used in certain foods.

    However, The Encyclopedia Americana continues: "Commercially, lecithin is used as an emulsifier in the food industry, particularly in the manufacture of margarine and chocolate. Lecithin for industrial uses is obtained from eggs or as a by-product in the manufacture of soybean oil." (Italics added.)

    Because commercial quantities of relatively inexpensive lecithin can be obtained from eggs or soybean oil, there is no reason for any manufacturer to seek to have lecithin extracted from blood. By way of illustration: Red blood cells also contain molecules of iron. Yet how senseless it would be for a manufacturer to consider extracting iron from blood so he could make cooking pots or other iron products when the same substance (iron) can be obtained from iron ore at a fraction of the cost.

    The fact is, then, that commercial lecithin does not come from blood. So Christians need not be concerned about blood when they see "lecithin" listed on the label of some food product.

  • TowerWatch

    Thanks for the details blondie


  • Dolllie

    The dress code, especially for women. You are to wear a dress or skirt at all times. No pants "ever".

    I actually saw a picture in a Watchtower a few months ago that showed some children playing soccer. There was a little girl in the picture wearing jeans/pants, dressed like the little boys she was playing with. That was the FIRST time I saw something like that!

  • stichione

    I would say the blood ban is perhaps the greatest example of going beyond what is written.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster
    Extreme hair styles can easily lead one into a trap of the Devil also

    A beard is considered extreme? ROFL!

  • somebodylovesme
    no pepperoni on your pizza

    Is this widespread?? The JW families I know eat pepperoni... from Pizza Hut... and I've never heard them complain or comment.

    Their policies never cease to amaze me!


  • micheal

    Restrictions after one has been publicly approved. Hey, I can also add public reproof.

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