How Greepeace loves to kill millions of innocent people...

by Elsewhere 60 Replies latest social current

  • bigboi

    I also think this issue is a silly one. Isn't the process of domesticating plants and animals for food basically the same thig as genetic modification?

  • Leolaia

    heathen.....There's more to the tomacco story. Turns out that a farmer decided it would be kewl to actually make a tomacco plant. So he did. And guess what? It turned out to be poisonous....,1286,61091,00.html

  • heathen

    Leolaia--- That is pretty strange but I think he forgot to use uranium . he eh

  • Farkel


    : When a cause become so self absorbed that they FORGET their primary purpose (to save human life) that they start killing people to achive their political goals... they have become lost!

    Amen! You wanna talk about another self-serving org. which claims to "help people" but who's hidden agenda is to make major profits from their politics, then let's talk about the Sierra Club. There is not a bigger bunch of scum bags and opportunists than them. I despise them, but not for their stated purpose but for their major LIES they tell which are totally opposite to their stated purpose.

    They will sabotage a land developer who wants to do whatever with the land he owns, and then use their power to drive the value of said land to near zero using their bullshit "environmental" reasons and then later use a shill to BUY that land at a fraction of its value. The buyer of the land is an arm of the Sierra club, and somehow manages to get by the same zoning/building regulations the original (loser) owner couldn't get by. DOH! With No Sierra Club fighting you, then there are no problems!

    Any thinking person who is interested in this subject should spend some time and research about the Sierra Club. It is a "club" filled with some of the worst scumbags one could imagine. Unless one takes into consideration the WTS scumbags.

    Like any thinking person, I'm all for protecting our environment. The Sierra Club states it is about the same thing. The Sierra Club lies: they are about screwing land owners out of their land and then profiting themselves from that very same land. They are about using their considerable money and "reputation" and clout to sabotage a legitimate land owner and basically steal that land at a fraction of the price, and later make a huge profit on that same land.

    The Sierra Club is run by a bunch of dirt-bags who are getting rich on their feel-good environmental statements.


  • Corvin
    + + + = Is it not about time that in order for the human race to survive we need to get rid of a billion or so, whomsoever that may be?

    I love you mate, but WOW!

  • Simon

    I don't think lack of food is the problem and the reason people in these countries starve. It is more to do with the political processes that prevents local farm subsidies so that the country ends up needing to purchase foreign food for example (which is subsidised).

    GM crops are simply about making more money for western farmers IMO and not about feeding the poor and starving. If people were interested in doing that then they could already do it with the current crops.

  • Yerusalyim

    Interesting theory Simon. I wonder which region of the world...and which country for that matter feeds the most people for free with donated food stuff. Perhaps we should form OFEC the Organization of Food Exporting Countries and regulate how much food stuff goes out...and at what price. Simon, GENERALLY speaking the political process that causes starvation is that own countries (i.e. North Korea). One of the reasons farmers in the US have such a hard time is because it seems to be a world wide phenomenom that farmers are subsidized...Milk would cost about $1 a gallon if dairy farmers weren't paid to dump milk.

  • donkey
    I don't think lack of food is the problem and the reason people in these countries starve. It is more to do with the political processes that prevents local farm subsidies so that the country ends up needing to purchase foreign food for example (which is subsidised).

    This is an example of people standing for "principle" while other people are busy dying of starvation.

    Why not feed the dying first and then stand up for your "principle" at a better time to do so?

  • Elsewhere

    It's amazing... a lot of people are willing to stop the flow of food, so long as the only people who will starve are the little brown people in third world countries. They've never enjoyed real food, modern medicine or modern luxuries anyway... so it's not like they are missing anything.

    Let us all give thanks to all of the little brown people in countries whose names we can't pronounce... for they are willing to starve to death so we might be spared the controversies of growing better food.

    Oh, and for the record... I have absolutely NO problem with eating GM or irradiated food. There are also a lot of lies going around about how GM food is totally unregulated and untested. The reality of the matter is that GM food is one of the most highly tested and regulated foods in history.

    It seems like every time a significantly new technology is released, a segment of the population goes into panic mode warning everyone of gloom and doom... in time the technology is accepted and everyone wonders what all the fuss was about.

    When electricity was harnessed for public use, people warned of disaster. We now enjoy some of the greatest advancements in quality of life and medicine as a result of electricity.

    When the automobile was invented people warned that the horse-and-buggy related industries would collapse. We now have countless other industries based on creating and supporting automobiles. Better transportation has also freed the common man to travel great distances.

    In time, the same thing will happen with GM and irradiated foods... there will come a time when people will be shocked at the idea that people once attempted to ban it.

  • DanTheMan

    Greenpeace The GOP is a dangerous, radical organization that resorts on occasion to violence to achieve its end. It has accomplished almost nothing other than to piss people the entire world and half of the USA off.

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