How Greepeace loves to kill millions of innocent people...

by Elsewhere 60 Replies latest social current

  • Carmel

    To date there is not one shred of evidence that GM foods have any deleterious effects on humans, animals or other plants. I will gladly discuss the details of recombinate dna and other modifications with anyone. Please bring it on! Elsewhere is spot on on this one. It is driven by fear of the unknown and is great for getting headlines and financial contributions from the illiterate.

    carmel who aced all his genetics courses.

  • Flash
    I think your post is loaded on one side and does not represent a fair balance...

    FAIR AND BALANCED??!! Since when is it wrong for a person to have a strong view on something and with conviction say it?! Political Correctness drives me INSANE!

  • SixofNine

    yeah well, GM cars still suck.

  • shamus

    Dammed hippie losers!

  • talesin

    Okay, now, before I put my boxing gloves on, I have one question.

    Did y'all want to argue about GM foods, or Greenpeace? And how much time have you spent researching either of these issues?

    Get back to me, kay?

    edit: oops, that was 2 questions


    (of the *sleep-deprived* klass)

  • galaxy7

    if it wasnt for greenpeace there would be no whales left in the oceans

    if it wasnt for lousy politcs there would be no starving people

  • Pork Chop
    Pork Chop

    Just must not be might night. People just keep dragging their coat in front of me.

    Greenpeace is a dangerous, radical organization that resorts on occasion to violence to achieve its end. It has accomplished almost nothing other than to piss people off.

  • heathen

    As long as we are not talking about tomacco as seen on the simpsons .lol Where Homer uses uranium to grow his tomato tobacco mix of seeds . Ohhhhhh man did that crack me up .

  • talesin

    lol @ Heathen

    One of my favorite episodes. heheh Simpsons = great satire


  • Mac

    I think that picture Elsewhere posted is one of the most complimentary ones of Allen Greenpeace to date!

    mac.....a little fluctuation in the interest rate never done killed nobody class

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