Einstein Theory of Relativity

by VM44 73 Replies latest jw friends

  • drwtsn32
    So does this mean that light cannot travel faster than light, after all? Just wondering.

    Only if you throw it from a moving vehicle.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    How fast are gravity waves?According to PBS Nova If the sun were to disappear we would lose the gravitational tug of the sun at the same moment that we lost visible sight of it.So,gravity must be the same speed/velocity as light.


    "A mind is a terrible thing to waste"

  • drwtsn32

    I've read that same thing Danny. If the sun was magically removed from the solar system, we would continue to orbit the missing star for 7-8 minutes.

  • myauntfanny

    See, now what I never understood is this simultaneous action at a distance thing. I read somewhere that a particle of matter and its anti-matter partner will react simultaneously to each other. Or something like that. (Damn I wish I could ever retain all of what I read, instead of just enough to leave me confused all the time.) If they are actually reacting simultaneously to the same stimulus, then isn't SOMETHING travelling faster than light?

  • frankiespeakin


    I think that what you are talking about is the Bell theory in the 80's I beleive??

    Yes there seems to be a consciousness in these sub atomic particles that transcends time.

  • frankiespeakin

    Here's an interesting link:http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/physics/Quantum/bells_inequality.html

    It's a little too hard for me to understand,,but I read a book once that gave me the idea that these experiments shows that eveything is connected by a means that transcends time,,,, and,,,, that it all makes up this universal mind.!!!

  • myauntfanny

    frankie, I never heard of the Bell theory. I really haven't got a clue. I didn't do well in physics. I mean, I didn't flunk, but I was really faking it the whole time and I never could get my mind around the concept of, for example, light being both a wave and a particle. I like the idea that there is a consciousness of subatomic particles that transcends time, but that idea isn't going to get a look-in in any scientific discussion. I just wondered how that fact of simultaneous response, if it is a fact, is reconciled with the speed of light by conventional scientific views that are prevailing now.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Regarding; subatomic particles that transcend time/space This is a repost,maybe it's more appropriate here? My childhood mentor has been Issac Newton,"If I have seen further than other men,it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants".. How can petroleum deposits on earth be "fossil" fuels when the outer giant planets are loaded with hydrocarbons?Uranus is a frozen ball of methane i.e."natural gas". Something to brainstorm about. The Trinity dogma.Why it could be plausible, in light of new discoveries in Quantum theory/particle physics which concept allows for a plurality of 'multi-verse' as opposed to just one universe.Superstring theory allows for 11 dimensions How God's omnipresence could be in a multiple dimension, so he could be in more than one place or is it three places ? At a time.[Ref;John 1:1, Matt. 10:29,30 ] This would account for God's unlimited database...Anyone wanna touch this one?

  • frankiespeakin


    You may be right,,no one knows for sure but it sound like a very good guess to me.

  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    If my data is correct the distance between each dimensional 'mutiverse' is that of a subatomic particle,(incredibly close) they are each 'a tad out of dimensional phase' to exist out of each others material space constraints.

    To illustrate i will use AC ( alternating current) electrical power systems in North America.Single phase is 110 volts... Two phase is 240 volts( two overlaping sine waves to represent the electrical waveform) and 480 volts is a triple overlapping sine waveform.You can superimpose an almost unlimited number of waves simply by modulating the waveform slightly out of sync with each other.

    So this is how a multiverse could exist each one slightly out of sync with the next.

    If spirit beings,angels and demons really to exist this may be how they remain 'unseen'.They may have the abilitty to transcend into other dimensions.

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