Bullied JW Child

by desib77 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Junction-Guy

    Of course they have a newer one! let me guess, "NEW LIGHT?"

    My only answer to this is: The watcthtower society will do everything in its power to portray itself as normal, especially in foreign countries the blood issue is the main thing in europe right now. The society will print different viewpoints in different countries to suit their needs. We however in America have so much religious freedom, that crackpot religions can get by with anything they want and print whatever they want in their publications. They soften their stance in other countries in order to get tax free status and recognition from the governments


  • Cloud Strife
    Cloud Strife

    Have u even seen the video about blood transfusion?.........I gues not.

    New light?.......NO but the brochure looked a little old (classic)

  • kls

    Cloud, if you do research as you say you do then you would know the jw religion is a cult. Know the facts not what you are told to believe.

  • Cloud Strife
    Cloud Strife

    Obviously you don't know the meaning of the word cult, and for that reason I will not repont to you post.

    Anyway I'm of to bed its 12:59 AM here and I have to work tomorrow.

  • itsallgoodnow

    Wow, I saw this story on the news last night. I hadn't heard the kid was a Witness. I wondered why the parents wouldn't let him stand up for himself. I can't help but wonder if part of the reason he's picked on is because of the lack of social skills a JW kid would have.

    Of course, lots of kids are picked on all the time, so you can't really blame the witnesses for it. But he's already at a disadvantage, socially, if he thinks he's different or elite, or must stay away and not associate. It's really an injustice, what JW parents are setting their kids up for. But they don't care.

    There's a woman in my building at work who I think is a witness because I thought I saw her at a circuit assembly. Anyway, she's got this weirdness about her, this funny look on her face that just screams "I'm a social misfit!", goes to lunch by herself everyday. It's sad. That story reminds me of this.

  • Joker10
    have to go to school and be mistreated by other children because their parents are brainwashed.



  • Stefanie

    Cloud, I hope you never have kids that go through that, because then you WILL change your tune!

  • dh

    if it were my kid, i would be proud.

  • Agent 1 of 1
    Agent 1 of 1

    To Cloudstrife,
    I was born in the "truth" and have been in it all my life up until recently. I'm really curious where you're from because there are somethings that you have mentioned in the forum that doesn't add up. It seems to me that you are not true to the JW belief. I am just wondering if this is because of what you choose or if this is the common reasoning in your local congregation.

    As for the matter of afterschool sports, the JWs do not allow this. I know, I had to go through school without being able to. And one more thing, I noticed your character profile is from Final Fantasy. One thing that the JWs teach is that you should not be playing RPGs. For one reason, it deals with violence and MAGIC which is a big no-no. And you waste alot of time on it which could be spent for more spiritual things. Look up role playing games in the watchtower library cd and you'll find a big article on it. I am not trying to put you down in any way, but I am very curious if this teaching is allowed in your kingdom hall. Please respond back. We'd all like to hear from you. And welcome to the forum by the way.

  • Cloud Strife
    Cloud Strife

    You are curious where I come from???.see the little flag under my avatar?

    		Quote: agent:?As for the matter of afterschool sports, the JWs do not allow this.?
    		You ever heard about something that is called ?conscience??
    		Everybodyhas a conscience.
    		Not everything is black or white/right or wrong.
    		Quote: agent:?As for the matter of afterschool sports, the JWs do not allow this. I know, I had to go through school without being able to.?
    		Ah boehoe I couldn?t do that either because I was in a weelchair from the age of 6 to 18, but my brother and sister did it and I did Weelchair tennis later on.
    		You should hear yourself?..its hilariaus ?
    		the JWs do not allow this???.come on what are u? a mindless zombie?....conscience
    In some cases it is not wise to do these afterschool sports where u refering to, but for that choise you have something that is called ?common sence?1 Cor. 15:23
    		Quote: agent:?One thing that the JWs teach is that you should not be playing RPGs. For one reason, it deals with violence and MAGIC which is a big no-no.?
    		Yes you are right that they do not advice this, but why are u saing this? I never played the game, I like how the character looks.
    And yes I played other RPG?s but I don?t feel bad about it, its not affecting me in a way that I wil go outside and wave a sword around or something (yes I own a sword (katana) en yes the elders know, and don?t mind realy)
    		Quote: agent:?And you waste alot of time on it which could be spent for more spiritual things.?
    Oh? There is a time to work and a time to relax, Jehovah himself took the seventh day of.

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