E-watchman's brand new discussion forum

by Schizm 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Corvin
    Like I've already said, he's a damn hypocrite.

    LOL, I know. I am not finished with his arse yet. I am a master baiter and as soon as he trips up over his own theocratic penis, I will post the results on this board. What a megalomaniac this character is.


  • Schizm

    meg·a·lo·ma·ni·a 1. A psychopathological condition in which delusional fantasies of wealth, power, or omnipotence predominate. 2. An obsession with grandiose or extravagant things or actions.

    Wow, big word, but yep, that's the condition that he is suffering from alright. A real "sicko," but not half as hard to spell. LOL "An obsession with grandiose things" ... I could go into some detail regarding how well this describes e-watchman, but words fail me at the moment.

  • xjw_b12

    Ohhh. I liked this....

    I am more convinced than ever that this is Jehovah's organization but ran by imperfect men. I will humbly wait on Jehovah instead of grumbling over something I can't fix.

    and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait,and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait, and wait.

  • Corvin

    Shizman! I think you are my new best friend, LOL.

  • Corvin

    Well, I re-registered under another alias over at the W-watchman's message board. It turned out like I expected. I posted a reply under my new psuedonym and they had to delete it several times [because everytime they would delete it, I would repost it] before they could finally get to diabling my account. LOL.

    Here is what I posted, incase anyone from the watchman's site has cruised over here to check it out:

    This is Corvinus. My original membership was deactivated because I raised some valid questions. Much like how the organization of Jehovah?s Witnesses works, I was DF?d, in effect, from this board for even questioning.

    ISOMAN, said to me, "It appears that your only interest at present is to cast dispersions, assasinate [you spelled assassinate wrong, btw] the character of the site-owner, and attempt to undermine credibility". You should know ISOMAN, that up until now, I have always defended the Watchman and supported his exposing of the WTBTS?s hypocrisy. You also said, "Proverb 18:13 says: "When anyone is replying to a matter before he hears [it], that is FOOLISHNESS on his part and a HUMILIATION."" You are so right, but in this case, I foolishly replied to the attacks on the Watchman by so-called apostates and defended him before I heard the whole matter and was then HUMILIATED. You helped with that regard. Thanks champ.

    You are so transparent I can see the wind through you. You tell all these poor doubting JW?s about the hypocrisy of the governing body, but you tell them they should just go along with it. That they should stay in the org at any cost.

    You rationalize and try to make a distinction between your own brand of apostasy and mine. But really you are the most conniving and cowardly of all apostates. You know you could never approach anyone in the congregation with your thoughts, viewpoints and interpretation of Scripture without getting axed just like the ones who have stood up to the organization and earned their apostate status honestly. You all contradict the authority of the governing body and here you are hiding out anonymously so as not to have to really openly stand for what you say you believe.

    Again, ISOMAN, you accused me of the following regarding the Watchman; "It appears that your only interest at present is to cast dispersions, assasinate [again you spelled it wrong] the character of the site-owner, and attempt to undermine credibility". How is what the Watchman doing any different? You know, when you point your finger at someone, you have three more fingers on that same hand pointing right back at you.

    My original questions were:

    1. Would you be so kind to define "apostate"?
    2. Do you know where you are?
    3. Ask E-Watchman if he's ever used JWD to advertise his site.

    My questions were valid because I was looking forward to contributing to this forum, and since I and the E-Watchman are both members of the very same "apostate forum", JWD, I simply wanted some things clarified before I proceeded. I think we can all agree, except for you and the watchman, that there has definitely been enough hypocrisy in all of our lives. Your answers were really no kind of answers whatsoever and I took exception to your evasiveness that smacked so much of the WTBTS itself.

    To The Watchman: Hello Robert! You said, " . . . all of the participants on this forum are either active Jehovah's Witnesses or otherwise supportive of the faith . . . " Really? Then would everyone here please contact your PO and let them know you are visiting the Watchman?s site and ask them if Jehovah and the Society approve? Let me know what they tell you. No, wait! Here is the WTBTS?s admonition, and I quote:


    km 11/99 p. 3 Use of the Internet?Be Alert to the Dangers! *** 10 Web Sites of "Jehovah?s Witnesses": Consider, for example, some Internet sites set up by individuals who claim to be Jehovah?s Witnesses . They invite you to visit their sites to read experiences posted by others who claim to be Witnesses. You are encouraged to share your thoughts and views about the Society?s literature. Some give recommendations about presentations that could be used in the field ministry. These sites offer chat rooms for individuals to connect to, allowing live communication with others, similar to talking on the telephone. They often point you to other sites where you can have on-line association with Jehovah?s Witnesses around the world. But can you tell for certain that these contacts have not been planted by apostates?

    Hmm . . . seems that all the participants on this forum, those active especially, are discouraged from being even here. Witnesses of Jehovah, how is it again that you can justify being here in this or any other forum?

    Here is what else the WTBTS says:


    w00 5/1 p. 9 Firmly Uphold Godly Teaching ***

    In fulfillment of his words, after the death of the apostles, a great apostasy led to the development of Christendom. Today, there is no great apostasy taking place among God?s people. Still, a few individuals have left our ranks, and some among them are bent on defaming Jehovah?s Witnesses by spreading lies and misinformation. A few work with other groups in organized resistance to pure worship. In doing so, they side with the very first apostate, Satan.

    If anyone is interested in Robert?s, the E-Watchman?s association with an openly "apostate" message board, go to: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/member/6903/default.ashx

    You will have to register first before you can read the E-Watchman?s 2,162 contributions. At the top of the website page you will see where Robert once displayed his banner for his own site. Don?t take my word for it, simply ask Simon, the owner of JWD.

    Robert, you said, "We, of course, are aware that many XJW's are not content to simply leave the faith. They usually imagine themselves to be the enlightened escapees of the WT cult, whose duty now is to free other poor ignorant JW's from the oppressive yolk. The thing is, we aren't interested in leaving our faith." Go tell your story to the governing body and see how fast they yank your chord, hypocrite. You are not "an enlightened escapee", dear man, you are merely a coward hiding behind this site, pissed off because someone in the org did not rub your monkey just the way you wanted, you haven?t gotten the recognition you desired, so here you are, sadly hanging on to the false doctrines of controlling cult, trying to make a name for yourself among a bunch weak-arsed doubting JW?s on the fringe, but too scared to really stand up for the real truth. Dave Malone said it best in reply to one of your preachy hypocritical sermons you posted at the apostate message board:

    "Holy sh** Bobby, haven't you gathered up enough hours preaching on this board to impress the elders in your congregation yet? Your blowhard excuses are getting a bit out of hand. If your beloved fairy tail god and religion are so secure why do you waste your time rubbing elbows so much with us? Who in the hell are you trying to convince? If you spent as much time preaching to your own dumfounded brothers and sisters as you do us they might let you handle the microphones again.

    The only one you are trying to convince with all your bullsh** is you. You are loosing faith with each and every post. Reading between the lines of your nonsense is beginning to be quite a hobby for most of us. You are scared out of your diapers and you come here to see if you can convince yourself that all your storybook drivel holds any water. You are so blinded by your cult you let the real truth about your bullsh** roll off like water on a ducks back. You would never admit anything that is said in response to you to have any kind of truth in it because you are afraid.

    Go get a life Bob and quit living off the hard work of your brothers and sisters. You are such a leach. Get a job or a hobby or something to keep that twisted mind of yours occupied . . . Get a life Bobby, your sucking ours right out of our eyeballs.

    Have you run out of lithium again?

    Your pal,


    People know who you are, Robert, and they also know what a hypocrite you are.


    Wow! What bastards.

  • galaxy7

    xjw that was so funny i am rolling over laughing

    better to use a bit of honey corvin

  • archie


    I am new to the board.Was wondering if someone could point me to how to access the archive feature so I could read some of E-watchman's postings here?

    Who is thsi Robert :? anyway what the scoop on him? Someone said to ask Simon??

    Simon..you out there??



  • Corvin

    archie, you have a pm

  • boa

    corvin, you have a pm

  • Schizm

    I knew it would eventually happen, and it has! E-watchman has made the decision to write a frickin' book. And the very thought of it makes me ROFLMAO !!!

    Almost all his followers who post at his discussion forum have expressed their approval, and have said that they will indeed purchase his stupid book. One of them even requested that a dozen copies be reserved for him. I'm telling you, it's amazing how outright stupid that some people can be ... especially after their brains have become infected by the religious virus. Those people who post at e-watchman's site literally make me sick at my stomach, I kid you not! They make people like Oral Roberts and his goofy son Richard look halfway sane. If only I had Jacob's ladder ... let me outta here!


    I forgot to post the link to where the idiot announced his plan to write his frickin' book. Here it is: http://e-jehovahs-witnesses.com/viewtopic.php?t=1033&postdays=0&postorder=asc&&start=0

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