E-watchman's brand new discussion forum

by Schizm 50 Replies latest jw friends

  • Schizm


    That's the link. You all better get right on over there now and register. Just think of all the spiritual food that you'll be missing out on if you don't. Watchman HAS the answers! Or at least he thinks that he does.


  • Schizm

    Message from administrator of e-watchman:

    While the site owner will do his best to monitor and moderate the Discussion Board, it will still require a keen eye on the part of the friends to make sure that "all things take place decently and by arrangement." (1 Corinthians 14:40)

    This is necessary because there will be those who want to ruin this place of interaction with their anti-Witness slander and gossip which serves little purpose apart from tearing down our faith. We must be on our guard against such ones, and each person has a responsibility to do so.
    If someone is posting in a manner inconsistent with the goals of the e-watchman website (which is to encourage the brothers and sisters to stand firm and yet be alert to Jehovah's judgments), or is resorting to apostate tactics, please REPORT that post immediately so that it comes to the attention of the site owner. You can do so via email or through the Report a Thread option. http://e-watchman.com/discussion/index.php?s=cb60daddec8584a8183ecc9bd50230ca&showtopic=33

    Be nice, folks. Otherwise they'll boot your butt right outa there.

  • Stefanie

    So what is it like a pro witness board?

    I honestly dont know.

  • Stefanie

    Nevermind, our posts crossed.

    Think I will just stick around here instead!

  • Euphemism

    It's not your standard pro-Witness situation... e-Watchman has publicly castigated the Watchtower Society for false prophecies, the child molestation coverup, and especially the NGO scandal.

    OTOH, he denounces Ray Franz as belonging to "the sect of Nicolaus" for criticizing the Society's strong, bible-based positions on disfellowshipping and blood.

    So basically, an apostate is anyone who disagrees with e-Watchman. Not really that different from the WTS.

  • Stefanie
    If apostates are going to be allowed to peddle their regurgitated garbage in here then I will not be posting. I am looking for some encouragement and not interested in hearing the sorry old bit that apostates push. The old God does not have an organization line, the failed JW propecy stories, and these really aren't the last days story. I hope this site maintains some dignity and doesn't turn into a JW.com type of forum. I am sick of those who would try to convince us to leave and then when you leave offer you nothing but a lame website to post your hard luck stories. I fell into the trap of apostates once with the "we are so happy to have you with us" bit and the sickening sweet words of comfort and I am determined not to let it happen again. I am more convinced than ever that this is Jehovah's organization but ran by imperfect men. I will humbly wait on Jehovah instead of grumbling over something I can't fix. Satan would have our attention be diverted from the "more important things" at all costs and I will not allow him to suceeed. So please E-Watchman watch

    I was curious so kill me!

    This what was first posted there, how can you advertise that site here? Why dont you go advertise this site over there?

  • Valis
  • Stefanie


    How bout them bears!

  • Schizm


    Ouch! You took me wrong. You apparently haven't been here long enough to know who the owner of that site is. If you had, you'd understand why I called attention to his forum "here".


  • Corvin

    Hey Schizm, I really do see what you are saying now. WOW! This e-guy is scarey.


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