
by simplesally 41 Replies latest social family

  • simplesally

    Yep, that's how she says it. And Hamgurber.

    My niece used to say "scum-screen".

    What funny words did your pre-schoolers mix up and say so sweetly? I just love how they talk and I enjoy it, in time she will correct herself, I can't bear to miss these words that bring a smile to my face!

  • shamus

    Misquito was Beegeeto.

  • calamityjane

    SS, I thought it was only our son that said hamgurber. It took us a while to master the new language. Our oldest daughter could not pronounce "kite" she would say "tite".

    I could not say spaghetti when I was a kid and said it pisghetti.


  • Angharad

    Dylan our youngerst (4) loves spiderman, he says gween gwobblin.

    Also at christmas,his class was singling Little Donkey in the christmas concert - but Dylan comes out with 'Yiddle Donkey.'

    Our oldest who is nearly seven now used to say bumble-a-bella (umberella)

  • Puternut

    My daughter used to like say : "See My Froggy". It was a taco restaurant called Senor Froggy.

    Flowers were called "flankers"

    And she also loved pasgetthi.

  • Special K
    Special K

    As for my kids.. one that sticks out in my mind was the word..

    wheelbarrow.. was a wheelburger.

    my kids all said 'pisgetti' for spagetti as well.

    kids are fun

    special K

    thanks for starting this thread simple sally.. It makes me smile

  • GentlyFeral

    Ah, cute kids and odd words - a favorite combination.

    My son, when he was very young - two or even younger - produced these treasures: zreeba (zebra), ee-plasket (elastic), moogitz (music). By the age of three, he was using long words like "expensive" correctly and with ease.

    The neologisms began when he was about ten and haven't stopped: the only one that stuck is "zappareenies" for general zaniness. As an adult he'll just throw words together or pick one out at random for commentary. A few weeks ago he used "Naked?" as a telephone greeting. When a friend commented on the local bar scene, "Everyone's fat and angry", he replied, "Well, let's go out and get us some fat-angry!" He used to address one of his girlfriends as "pumpkinfish."

    My daughter kept up the infant neologisms a little longer: knifeses, die-sorn (dinosaur), inch-a-lation (insulation) were coined sometime before the age of four. There weren't many others. She does tend to use "cabbage" as a greeting, though. She's 20 now.


    edited to increase fact content

  • Mulan

    Bee baw, was banana

    Sawsaw was Rachel (his big sis), eventually it morphed into Sissy, then he got the hang of her name

    Hectidoctor was helicopter

    For a long time our eldest called me Aw E I think he was being lazy, leaving the "M's" out of Mommy

    Soap was Parmesan cheese (I think he thought it looked like Tide)

    bemember was remember

    Hamugger was hamburger

    ning ning was "I want to nurse" (he was about six months old) tearing at my blouse

    But my all time favorite was Lates and Berts and that was French Fries and Ketchup. (have no idea why)

    Oh, and Princess called Leviticus, when quizzed on the Bible books Popiticus (she was 3)

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    LOL! My younger sis was adamant that the words in the song, "Sixteen Tons" by Tennessee Ernie Ford were "I woke up one mornin', it was pissin' rain...."

    My nephew called helicopters, "tee-dee-boppers"
    My oldest son called fire engines, "far-gen-en-en-en-ens" and french fries were "Tench Tries"
    A refrigerator to my daughter was "fridg-a-frator", hamburger was "hangumber" my youngest son, all his "L's" were pronounced "ng" "I ngove you" "ngeave me a-ngone" "I ngeft it over there" and he called his older bro and sis (Jay and Kellie) "Yay" and "Egglie"

    Frannie B

  • exjdub

    We must have confused my daughter when she was young because everything that was cooked on the grill was"Turken", probably because most of the time we were eating either turkey or chicken.

    Great thread Sally, brings back memories.

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