Is Watchman guilty of the same "sin"?

by Schizm 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • little witch
    little witch


    E-Watchman does indeed have a website. He is a convoluted and confused jw apologist who is sitting on the fence. He condemns the wtbts while at the same time acts as an would just need to see his site to understand.

  • Rescripting_myself

    I agree with u Schizm. Any self-professing JW and especially one professing to b of the "anointed" wud never use what he wud consider an "apostate" site to advertise his own site or for any other purpose for that matter. So either e-watchman is not a true-believing JW or he is an extremely hypocritical one. It could also be that he is very mentally sick and in need of psychiatric/psychological attention in which case we need to empathise/sympathise with him instead of condemning him.

    As to Corvin, I would leave him alone. No need to quarrel. It does not contribute to ua qn.

  • xjw_b12

    E-Watchman asking for and getting permission to advertise here, only lends credence to his mission.

  • Rabbit

    Schiz, I have only seen a little about E-watchman, some of the things he has done takes some balls, I understand he sent letters about the UN thing to thousands of congregations... This...imho, makes him sail on the same boat as the rest of us -- the WTS believes WE are the apostates, right ?

    Anybody else who wants to follow a man or men won't find this rabbit waiting in line !

    while at the same time he himself has been playing tootsie with an "apostate" leader ...

    I don't care if he or anybody else plays with Simon's titties, er, tootsies -- not my business ! Why not go tell E-Watchman what you think.

    Oh, yeah. Simon is not my ' "apostate" leader' either, he has a very good web-site...most of the time he seems like a good guy, but, really --leader ?

    Why not get a vote...?

    Start a thread -- ask: Who wants Simon ( or anybody) for their 'Leader' ?

    Most of us are so-o-o sick of being LED, I don't think anyone will agree with you.

  • City Fan
    City Fan


    E-watchman is simply wrong. He appears to have similar beliefs to the WTS which is enough for me to say he is wrong. He is also unimportant, in fact so unimportant to the JW world that most of them will not have heard of him. He is also totally unknown to the rest of the outside world. His message is therefore meaningless.

    I agree, he's guilty of the same kind of things that the Watchtower has done, mainly with his holier-than-thou attitude. I don't care if he writes hundreds of letters to the society. To six billion people around the world his message is unknown and meaningless.

    If he's making a personal stand with these letters then I suppose it's a positive move, but it's still the same message after all, and most of us are sick of hearing it.


  • Schizm

    Thanks everyone, for your comments. I think that e-watchman has "shot his wad".



  • Corvin

    OK, perhaps I spoke too soon. However, no matter how hypocritical E-Watchman appears to be, no matter how much of an apologist he seems, the one thing that I have alway appreciated about his articles and his site is that he does an outstanding job of pointing out the WTBTS's lies and deceptions by holding them up to the light of their own standards, from the viewpoint of someone who loves the org, and that approach is pretty powerful when you think about it. It would perhaps appeal to those who are teetering on the edge with thier doubt and uncertainty. I think there might be more teeth to his approach than meets the eye.


  • little witch
    little witch

    It seems to me that he exposes the g.b. for getting caught, but never denounces the dogma that they created in the first place. He simply accepts it all as fact. He sort of takes their dusty trophy (being their created dogma), spit polishes it, and sets it on his mantle.

    Are some people impressed with that? Perhaps. I think alot of people out there would rather hold onto their core beliefs and not have them tinkered with. I see it as some sort of attempt at reform. I don't feel reform is possible for jw's. Mostly because their doctrine is unique to the watchtower society, and I don't see how control can be taken from them.

    For all his spouting, I have yet to see what his method is. Is it congregational autonomy? Voting rights for members? I don't think he will suceed with either. Who will print all their literature that they so highly depend on?

  • Abaddon

    My answer is "I don't care".

    Other people are free to.

    But having concluded that JW's are basically a made-up religion, and a high-control group, I find it hard to understand those who take the "The Org is not perfect but it is Jah's blah blah blah the Truth blah blah blah" line, as they are just kidding themselves and throwing more of their life away in a self-justifying ball of cognitive dissonance.

    If you find yourself sitting in shit you get out of it and have a wash. E-Watchman and others are basically sitting in the borg's shit complaining about the smell.

    Silly really...

    ... but they do good in their way, so good for them in that respect, even if they're wasting their lives half-in and half-out of a made-up religion.

  • Schizm

    Corvin, [e-watchman] holding them [the WTS] up to the light of their own standards...

    But then when it came to himself, he conveniently forgets to do that. The "standard" which he is holding others to of course doesn't apply to him. Some people do act as if they are above the law that they expect others to have to obey.

    Insofar as my own opinion of e-watchman


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