Is Watchman guilty of the same "sin"?

by Schizm 60 Replies latest jw friends

  • Corvin
    Thank you Corvin. BTW, Denholm Elliott is actually dead.

    Good heavens! When? How? Such a sad loss for film and stage, and to think that hack, Sir Lawrence Olivier, is still choking out lines with terrible timing and timbre on the Queen's stage!

    Simon probably is in the top 20 of the WTBTS hit list. (Probably in the top 5 on George Bush's!) This will be because he has had the affrontery to provide a forum for DF'd people and nought to do with how much of an apostate he is personally.

    See! That's what I was saying. He's a guy . . . in a dress.


  • Undaunted Danny
    Undaunted Danny

    Sorry for butting in... but,the really BIG picture here is that the Watchtower 'organism; spreads death and destruction everywhere.The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

  • Simon
    Thank you, Englishman. It's nice to see someone enter this thread that has half a mind to think with.

    I wouldn't stand for that Eman ... he's saying you are a half-brained idiot !

    (stirr, stirr)

  • Corvin

    He also said you were "heavy" Simon.

  • Schizm

    Compared to the rest of you Englishman has 2 brains.

    Englishman seems to have sized up my point very nicely.

    Schizm makes an excellent point! If the WTBTS commits spiritual fornication by getting into bed with the UN, then Mr. E-watchman also commits spiritual fornication by getting an apostate site to advertise his site! Englishman.

    Anyone want to pick at what Englishman said. Or would you rather pick on ole Schizm. Never mind, I already know the answer to that. So, screw the entire lot of you. ;-)


  • Simon
  • Schizm

    That was a good one, Simon. And you come up with in exacty 26 minutes. Slow poke! ;-)

    Now, why not say something relevant to this thread, you donkey's butt! :-)

  • Schizm

    This is what was said on another board regarding this subject.

    The objection was made:

    I reject any accusation that Watchman had any harmony or brotherly fellowship with apostates.

    The comeback was:

    I myself reject any accusation that the WTS had any harmony or brotherly fellowship with the United Nations.

    What y'all think?


  • little witch
    little witch

    I agree with you Schizm. I do find it two-faced and hypocritical. E Watchman is a nutcase who has no credibility. He lets nobody call him on what he says with honest input. IMO he is trying to leave the wtbts with credibility, something that has been denied to many many others without sucess.

    It is like an old worn out shoe. You don't wanna buy a new pair so you patch and toil and fuss over the old one in a vain effort to make usefull what is still just an old worn out shoe.

    I see your point Schizm, and I agree with you.

  • Mary

    OK somebody fill me in here...........who is E-Watchman? Does he have his own website? Is he a Witness? Ex-Witness?

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