Daughter Has Lump On Throat

by Corvin 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • patio34

    I'm sorry to hear about your worry, Corvin. I hope things go perfectly with a good outcome on Tuesday.


  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Corvin

    Just sending big (((((( HUGS ))))) your way.

    Having a child who is not well can be a really big stressor.

    It's such a helpless feeling for a parent. I know I have wished I could take on my kids pain and physical ailment sometimes but it just doesn't work that way even when I wish it that way.

    Our children are precious. It sounds to me like your daughter is very lucky to have a Dad like you.

    I wish your daughter and yourself well through all of this, Corvin.


    Special K

  • Sunnygal41

    {{{{{{Corvin and Daughter}}}}}

    Just to let you know........when I was 16, I had a lump appear on the side of my throat that grew to about the size of a half dollar around and stuck out about 1/2 inch. My mom freaked out because she and my grandmother had both had breast cancer within the past two years and of course, she thought the worst for me. Well, I had an operation that left a scar about 4 inches long on the side of my neck.......it turned out to be a pocket that had filled with matter over time and was now infected............that was 30 years ago and it never came back.


  • shera

    Hope all goes well for your daughter.

    ****hugs**** Mom and daughter

    (**hugs** for animal too!)

  • ChimChim

    I hope everything is going to be okay!! *hugs* for u all!


  • blacksheep


    I can understand your worry. Others here have a lot more information on the possiblities. I'll be thinking of you and your daugter. I'm sure things will turn out fine. I'm glad that she's open-minded as to possiblities, as well.

    Probably won't ever be needed, but perhaps as your father, you can help her see what a Father, heavenly or no, would REALLY want for his child if that child was in need of life saving treatment? You love her very much, and any parent would rather see their child get the treatment they needed, as opposed to standing on some symbolic "symbol of life."

    Best wishes, and please keep us posted.

  • Mary
    She then asked, "is it possible to donate my own blood and have them give it me if I were to need it?"

    ((((Corvin))), my heart goes out to you. Listen, when I had cancer a few years ago and I needed an operation, I never thought I'd cave and give in to a blood transfusion but being faced with that or death.....well, I changed me mind pretty damn quick but I also felt queazy with the thought of someone else's blood going into me, so I went before hand and had my own blood stored in case they needed it during the operation.

    Even if the bible condemns the eating of someone else's blood, I see absolutely NOTHING wrong with having your own blood stored. That bullshit that the Society comes out with that "once the blood leaves your body it's to be 'poured out' is utterly ridiculous. The 'pouring out' the blood on the ground was when the frigging animal was DEAD, not still alive.

    Encourage your daughter to have her own blood stored for the operation just in case it's needed. Seeing as she's underage, you would certainly have a say in the matter. If any elders bother you about it, just tell them to piss off and mind their own business.

    Plus, last year I had another scare........there was a nodule on my thyroid and you could feel it. I absolutely freaked. Turned out it was benign. I drank some radioactive iodine and a couple months later it was all gone.

    God bless. Let us know what happens.


  • Corvin

    You are all so wonderful and helpful. Thank you all so much. I think I am going to show some of these warm thoughts and expressions to my daughter. She hasn't received one call or visit from any JW thus far . . . and they know about it.


  • blacksheep

    I also just wanted to point out, that as the custodial parent, you basically have all the rights. You are obviously a very sensitive person/parent who is considering your daughter's feelings, as well as your own right to make decisions for you. You are a great father. As anti-JW as I can get at times, I respect that and can only applaud you. I'm a mom of 2 young children. I was raised as a JW. And honestly, one of the reasons I left was thinking how I would raise, and what decisions I would make. for my children.

    I personally am highly optimistic about your daughter's situation. But, beyond that, you've shown the grace, character, and diginity to consider her feelings as well. Again, I'll be thinking of you both.

  • Corvin

    Thank you, (((son))).

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