Daughter Has Lump On Throat

by Corvin 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • PopeOfEruke


    Sok szerencse! I hope it all works out and its nothing too serious.....


  • Corvin

    Pope, koszonom zsepen. Egeszsegedre.


  • animal

    My doc told me that thyroid cancer (what I have) is the cancer of choice. It is slow growing and easy to cure, sorta.

    It may only be just a lump too, and nothing more. Let me know if I can help ya.


  • plmkrzy

    (((Corvin))) Best wishes going your daughters way.

    She then asked, "is it possible to donate my own blood and have them give it me if I were to need it?"

    so young and yet so mature

  • ohiocowboy

    I hope all works out well, and wishing your daughter the best!!!


  • True North
    True North

    This is a tough thing to go through for both parent and child. I'm glad she has you there for her.

    As I'm sure you know by now, the great majority of thyroid nodules are benign. However, any time there is even a hint of cancer, it's hard to keep your mind from going past rational assessment to extremes of anxiety and fear. I'm sure this would be especially true for a teenager. But, in this case, there is every reason expect things to turn out OK even if there is a diagnosis of thyroid cancer. Many years ago I was told by a very experienced endocrinologist that of all cancers, thyroid cancer was one of the most treatable with the prospect of full recovery for the great majority of patients. And since that was so long ago, I'm sure that by now the treatments and prognosis are even better.

    I know it would be absurd of me to suggest that you not worry too much about it because you can't help that. But it should help to dampen the anxiety to know that time is on your side: it was caught early on, you have access to great medical care without having the wait that might be experienced in other countries, and the odds are very, very much in favor of you and your daughter passing through this before you know it.

    My thoughts are with you and your daughter -- my best wishes to you both.

  • exjdub

    My thoughts are with you Corvin.

    I am glad your daughter has your protection and I am sure the reason why she is so reasonable is that she has you for a safety net. Way to go Dad!


  • DazedAndConfused

    Corvin I hope everything goes well for your daughter. When you described the lump in her throat I immediately thought of the lump my daughter had. She had a thyroglossal duct cyst. It was removed and she had no problems. Here are two sites you might want to go to. The first one shows pictures of what it looks like, and the second one explains why it happens.



    These may not be what she has but it is worth looking at. Good luck to you and your daughter.

  • SC_Guy

    ((Cor)) Hope everything goes well with your daughter.

  • calamityjane

    I hope all goes well on Tuesday. Sounds like you have had some good advice


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