Does the Watchtower Society stunt personal development and growth

by truthseeker 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Stefanie
    If it were God's will for me to be a businessman-ladder-climber who has his first heart attack at age 52, and then a pension, bag of old golf clubs, and a fat rear,

    no, he has better plans for you

  • Theocrat

    Like maybe the drummer in a Led Zepplin tribute band?????

    Please say yes.

  • truthseeker

    Theocrat, thanks for your comments.

    You said: "If we work 8 hours a day, sleep 8 hours a day, then whats a wiser course? Spend the other 8 hours a day at a second job just so we can afford something we don't really need OR spend that time as Jesus would, or the Apostles, or the other early Christians? Say what you want about the WTBS but don't forget whose world this is. We can work ourselves to death, with what to show for it. I want to make a name with God, not leave behind an impressive 401K account because I worked myself to the grave."

    I do not dispute this. The problem I have is the Society making an oral law, and adding extra and needless commandments to what God and his son actually require for us.

    This includes mind control techniques to do whatever is asked of us with a humble spirit,

    Your experience was unique, I have heard others like it before. As I said, the topics I mentioned don't fit everyone, but they do fit most people who feel they have to obey whatever comes from "Mother."

    Christ speaks to us thorugh the Bible, not Christ speaks to the Governing Body. Big difference.

    If the Society really had the mind of Christ, people would not be trying to leave this religion by the hundreds of thousands.

  • truthseeker


    just read another of your posts. "If the WTBS controls/discourages personal development, why the Theocratic Ministry School? A program that has made public speakers out of timid individuals."

    This is true, again I do not dispue it. But the real purpose of this school, is not to teach you better English, it is to help you use your mind controlling techniques on real world members of the public, who don't know when people say, "I tried to get him into agreeing to a Bible study"

    Think about it - when do you ever use a #1 or #4 talk in service? You don't. I have never heard sisters give #2 style talks anywhere else, accept the Kingdom Hall.

    the emphasis is to make recruits. The Society may "train you" as you say, but we are not walking dictionaries or encyclopaedias'. We are real people, with real interests beyond that of performing for 5 minutes on a platform.

    Paul said that not all of Jesus' followers would be educated, even though he was. some Pharisees said that christ's disciples were "unlettered and ordainary," but Jesus did not require them to attend public speaking schools. He said, "Do not worry about what you will say, for what you need to say will be given you."

    Anyone, with a rudimentary knowledge of Jesus and God's purposes can give a witness -without standing up in a suit parroting Watchtower articles every 4th week of the Theocratic Ministry School.

  • Black Man
    Black Man

    Truthseeker, this is a brilliant post. I will hopefully come back to this when I have a little time.............

  • Theocrat

    You're right. It is through the Scriptures that we find the will of God, but we also have to realize that a similar organizational arrangement has been employed by God since the Genesis of time. Some who left Egypt under Moses' direction balked at his leadership, just as many still balk today at a group of human servants that Jesus identified would lead His flock in the time of his prescense. But the things that Moses told the Israelites turned out to be for their own good.

    How do you think the "rank and file" Israelite felt when Moses came off of Sinai saying, "okay I've put markers up there at the base of the mountain, and when we all go up there, nobody can cross the boundaries"? I'm sure some said, "look at this guy, acting like he's the boss of us." Little did they know that they would die if they went past the markers that God TOLD Moses to lay out.

  • Theocrat

    I used a #4 talk in the ministry just the other day. The topic of purgetory came up, and we had just discussed that topic a week or so earlier.

    What is "mind-controlling" about Jesus' invitation: "come to me, all who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you." Its nobody's benefit but their own to listen to that invitation. The TMS helps us to convey that message of Christ clearly with people, both in articulation, and "art of teaching". Nobody is getting rich on this work thats being done. If 1 or 1000 accept the good news of the Christ that we deliver, we will have been doing what is expected by God, nothing more.

  • Nocturne
    If it were God's will for me to be a businessman-ladder-climber who has his first heart attack at age 52, and then a pension, bag of old golf clubs, and a fat rear,

    Sure beats being a businessman-ladder-climber then to be a ladder-climber in the Borg. At least in the real world you actually get rewarded compared to what the wts has to offer you which is nothing...unless you become part of the GB.

    Btw, the only reason the Theocratic School is there, is because it's suits the organization's goals. It's not about personal growth whatsoever. The Society never encourages anything that promotes personal growth for it's college education because, of course, it doesn't take a college graduate to sell their magazines.

    And finally, just would like to say, great post truthseeker, you're right on the money.


  • truthseeker


    The Israelites, after:

    Witnessing the plagues of Egypt

    Crossing the Red Sea

    Watching the Egyptian soldiers drown at the Red Sea when it collapsed on them

    Seeing God lead them by a pillar of cloud by day, and a fire by night

    Sustaining their life by means of the Manna that God provided for them

    Satisfying their thirst at the waters of Meribar

    Satisfying their meat cravings when God miraculously provided quail

    Having a "one pair fits all sizes" sandals that never wore out

    had no excuse for disobeying the voice of God's servant and prophet, Moses.

    Show me the miracles that proves this is God's organization today.

    The reasoning that, "God has always had an organization" is null and void. Their is no organization in Genesis that you speak of just a few humans on the earth struggling to make an existence - few of them worshipped God.

    Sorry, but the scripture about the faithful slave mentioned at Matthew 24 is just another illustration that Jesus used. This being the case, show me where the 10 virgins, the talents and the mustard grain are literally.

    Where was God's organization between the death of the Apostle John and the birth of Charles T Russell?

  • truthseeker

    Theocrat said: "What is "mind-controlling" about Jesus' invitation: "come to me, all who are toiling and loaded down, and I will refresh you." Its nobody's benefit but their own to listen to that invitation."

    I invite the audience to comment. Do the Witnesses quote Jesus illustration at the doors or do they say something like the following:

    "We're here offering the latest copies of the Watchtower and Awake magazine"

    "We're [encouraging people] to read their Bible"

    "We're doing a [voluntary] work, preaching the good news"

    "We [just] happen to be in your neighborhood talking to people about the Bible"

    is this what Jesus really wanted? Then why didn't he use his powers to start a publishing company. He used the scrolls of Isaih when preaching in the temple, not a "What does God require of us brochure"

    The introductions on "What to say about the magazines", are nothing more than a way to try and recruit people into joining a destructive religious sect.

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