Atheist/'r e in good company

by badwillie 101 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • drwtsn32

    Whatever, dan...

  • rem

    Don't worry, DrWtsn. Who wants to worship his roast beef sandwich god anyway? I'm sure it's tasty, though.


  • drwtsn32

    LMFAO rem!

  • dan

    Patronizing is just a sign of immaturity and insecurity. If you just want to call it a draw I'm fine with that, but don't act like children. It just akes atheists look that much more uninformed.

  • drwtsn32

    You are undoubtedly more secure in your belief than I am in mine. I am open to the possibility that a god exists, but I won't believe in something unless it makes sense and there is objective evidence/observation to back it up.

    If you have found satisfying evidence then good for you. I have no issue with that. When someone basically says my viewpoint is wrong, I will defend my belief. I also get irritated, as I'm sure you do, when someone tells me what I believe.

    You say all atheists do not want to believe in God. How do you know? Almost everyone I know thinks the idea of a god and an afterlife is appealing. Don't proceed to tell me that I simply do not want to believe in god and that's why I'm atheist. If that's how you really feel then you haven't been listening to us very well.

    You (and me too) could learn some tact from LittleToe. He's a firm believer but never gets "in your face" about it.

    You mentioned that you have objective evidence of God but have yet to show that card. Are you going to or not? If you truly feel we are swine then perhaps you should take your "pearls" elsewhere.

  • AlanF

    Dan is so typical of the preachy Fundy type.

    "I have incontrovertible evidence for XYZ!" "Oh? Let's see it." "I won't throw my pearls before swine." So you never get to see it. But believe me! It's there! Yep!

    Do you know how many times I've heard exactly that refrain from JWs? That's why JWs and self-styled Christian Fundies are pups from the same bitch.

    This reminds me of the claims of young-earth creationists to have a finely-tuned theory of creationism. But on every discussion board I've ever been on, when they're challenged to present a theory they simply run away, spouting excuses and dire warnings of impending destruction on unbelievers. It'd be funny if it weren't so sad.


  • dan

    How to receive knowledge of the existence of God:

    1) Want to believe.

    2) Let that desire grow to the point where you feel the need to act upon it.

    3) Read the scriptures. We recommend the Bible and the Book of Mormon.

    4) Apply the commandments to your life. Obey them as best you can.

    5) Pray for an assurance that what you have read is the truth, and that God lives, and that Jesus is His Son.

    6) Want to receive an answer.

    7) Repeat steps 3 - 5 until you receive an answer from God.

    8) Continue to repeat steps 3 - 5 throughout your life, as your faith will rise and fall with the circumstances in your life.

    If you can complete these steps you will receive an answer. Until you have done it you cannot say whether it works or not. I have done it and it has worked. I invite all of you to do the same.

  • dan

    What's wrong with creationism?

  • rem


    >>Patronizing is just a sign of immaturity and insecurity

    Oh, now all of a sudden you are interested in having an intelligent, rational conversation using facts and evidence? Let's hear them, then. Otherwise my assertion that your god is a ham sandwich is just as valid as your empty assertions of his existence. If its good enough for you, it's good enough for me. The point is, you are the one who has been patronizing and immature and you just fell into your own trap.

    Put up or shut up.


  • drwtsn32

    dan... Is the answer you receive in step 6 objective evidence? What was it in your case?

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