Atheist/'r e in good company

by badwillie 101 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • dan

    How do you "know" that I do not have evidence. My salt analogy was to show you that it isn't always possible to transmit understanding through language. I KNOW, just as well as you know you exist, that God exists. You can not believe all you want, but once you tell me I "can't know" you overstep the boundaries you have drawn around your mind. I kow He exists. I can't explain to you how any more than you can explain the taste of salt. It's not one of the five sense, but it is very, very real, and you will never feel it if you keep thinking that way.

    "Your mind and a parachute are both absolutely useless if not open."

  • SixofNine

    Sounds like belief to me, but what do I know? So, dan, do you "know" that god is a "he" as well? If so, is this an understanding you came to w/o the use of language?

  • drwtsn32
    I KNOW, just as well as you know you exist, that God exists.

    In your mind you may know he exists, but it doesn't mean anything if you cannot provide solid, testable proof. So far no one has ever been able to do that. That's why we can confidently say no one can truly know that God exists.

    I could say I KNOW the future but my personal conviction is not proof in itself. People still would demand evidence.

  • sniperdoc

    Dan you mentioned you have yet to meet an Atheist who wants to believe in God. Freud has been quoted as being jealous of those who had the comfort found with the belief in a deity. I would like to believe in God too, but I find it too rediculous of an idea.


  • drwtsn32

    I think most atheists "like" the idea of a God that looks over us, protects us, provides an afterlife, etc.

    Wanting to believe and actually believing something are very different things, Dan. Just because I don't believe something doesn't mean I don't want to.

  • rem


    >>I KNOW, just as well as you know you exist, that God exists. You can not believe all you want, but once you tell me I "can't know" you overstep the boundaries you have drawn around your mind. I kow He exists. I can't explain to you how any more than you can explain the taste of salt.

    What you are saying implies that god is spam sandwich wrapped in bacon - how ridiculous! Who would want to worship such a god?


  • dan

    drwtsn, that would be true if the intrinsic truthfulness of a principle were found in the acceptance of it. If what you are saying is true then everyone who has ever spoken out against the status quo was wrong. Ghandi, Galileo, Christ. None of them ever proved anything, but they were right. Luckily, what you think has absolutely no bearing on anything outside of your immediate person. Neither does what I think, but I can provide testable proof, that's the thing. I would offer it to y'all, but not a one of you has shown even the slightest interest in knowing if God exists, and I am forced to conlcude that you really don't want to know. If you showed an inkling of honest curiousity you might change your life, but you prefer to bark at the moon. I applaud you in your exercise of free agency.

  • drwtsn32
    but I can provide testable proof, that's the thing.

    Please... by all means share your testable proof with us! Hell, share it with the world! So far no one has ever been able to come up with scientific testable proof that there is a God. I would love for you to show it to us!

    I would offer it to y'all, but not a one of you has shown even the slightest interest in knowing if God exists, and I am forced to conlcude that you really don't want to know.

    How can you come to that conclusion? I just said I, and most atheists, "like" the idea of a God but we are skeptics and require proof. Just because we don't currently believe doesn't mean we don't want to believe.

    Eagerly awaiting your proof.

  • drwtsn32
    If what you are saying is true then everyone who has ever spoken out against the status quo was wrong.

    BTW, that's not at all what I was saying.

  • dan

    "Please... by all means share your testable proof with us! Hell, share it with the world! So far no one has ever been able to come up with scientific testable proof that there is a God. I would love for you to show it to us!"

    I'd appreciate you not cursing, and I told you I would not throw pearls to people that don't even want them. You have no intention of seriously considering what I have to say, so I will not waste my time.

    What were you saying, then?

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