For those with family in the org...

by kibizzle 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kibizzle

    ...have they justified the UN involvement to you by saying that the WTS was only getting information for their magazines, that they weren't "aiding" them in their political work, so the involvement was OK?

    IMO, there is no justification for the UN invovement. How do you reason with your family when they defend the actions of the WTS? It seems to me they can justify anything. Really all they would have to do is say "no we were never an NGO" and the RF would believe them.

    It is so frustrating to show them the letter and have them say "well, you got that off the internet, one of Satan's tools what do you expect." and "Oh, Ray Frantz is like Satan, he wanted people to follow him, why do you think he wrote that book, the bible warns about people like him." and (my personal favorite) "God has always used man and the light just keeps getting brighter". as an excuse for all the mistakes (false prophesies). grrrr... Kib

  • Quotes

    My Mom has tried to mentally sweep the UN thing under the carpet.

    "**IF** it's true, then it's a pretty big BOO BOO" was her recent response to me. (i.e. a combination of both partial denial/refusal to accept, together with MINIMIZATION.)

    So, being the good son, I sent her a copy of the letter at (after getting the OK from her to send it). Here is my cover letter from that:

    That was two weeks ago, I have not heard from her at all. Who knows, maybe she actually phoned Bethel? Would be nice if she could get the "never happened" response and catch them in a lie on her own!!!

  • Brother Beyond
    Brother Beyond


    Yes, I have had a very similar response from my family. It is very frustrating. I usually show them the requirements of being an NGO. Informing them that as an NGO they had to promote the interests of the UN. This they often did under the guise of "Watching the world". In those articles the regularly informed readers of UN activities, as well as promote them.

    Still it did no good, I have even tried showing them the absolute evidence relating to the misrepresentation of the 607 date, but they would rather believe without question whta they are told through WT and at meetings.

    Yes I have also had "The internet is a tool of the devil" rebuttle, this appears to resolve most of thier problems. Anything they dislike must come from the devil, as the org is the truth, and can never lie.

    Sickening isnt it?


  • LittleToe

    "Sickening" is the only word I can think of that comes near to describing it, too. It's way, way beyond "sad".

    I presented the info, with a similar response - can you spell "B - L - I - N - D"?

  • prgirl79

    I do agree they defend anything and call it a tool of satan. It is rare to find a Witness who hasn't heard or seen ingo against the watchtower, but as you know they are prevented from analyzing factual information. They are trained to cut themselves off from doubting the organization. They create a wall that you can only go so far. WHat first bothered me was their explanation/justification for shunning. It is love are you serious!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Unfortunately they are!!!

  • Nocturne

    What you wrote reminds me of an experience I had discussing with jws online. I tried to bring up the UN issue with them, and at first they said those were lies spread by "opposers". Then, I posted the direct link to the page on the UN's website where there was a link to the letter. At first, they denied that it was the UN website, but then when i gave them the homepage link and directed them thru the website to get to the letter, they were forced to acknowledge that it was in fact the official UN website. But then they refused to even look at the letter, and just said that it was all lies from "opposers".

    So, I understand your frustration, just the fact that they won't even look at facts or evidence presented to them. It is too often the case that "jw", and "reason" do not belong together.


  • run dont walk
    run dont walk
    ...have they justified the UN involvement to you by saying that the WTS was only getting information for their magazines, that they weren't "aiding" them in their political work, so the involvement was OK?

    IMO, there is no justification for the UN invovement. How do you reason with your family when they defend the actions of the WTS? It seems to me they can justify anything. Really all they would have to do is say "no we were never an NGO" and the RF would believe them.

    How can you justify joining an organization, in which the watchtower has called, Satan the Devil, Babylon the Great, and have said repeatedly that the United Nations will start Armageddon. I asked my elder brother (who pretended he never heard of it), I said "do you join the Nazi party because you want a free haircut, do you join a political party because they are having a free dinner, do you join the YMCA because you just want to use the gym ?" When you join any group or organization, you beleive in what they stand for, stand behind their beliefs, and support them in every way, Not join a group just to "use" them for what you need. He had no response !

    It is so frustrating to show them the letter and have them say "well, you got that off the internet, one of Satan's tools what do you expect." and "Oh, Ray Frantz is like Satan, he wanted people to follow him, why do you think he wrote that book, the bible warns about people like him." and (my personal favorite) "God has always used man and the light just keeps getting brighter". as an excuse for all the mistakes (false prophesies). grrrr... Kib

    They will always use the internat as a defence now, so why does the Watchtower have a web-site, Why do they believe everything said about other religions on the news or internet, but not their own. All the Catholic abuse cases they believe and use them to put down the church, but don't believe the ones that happened at the Kingdom Hall. Its almost a no win situation. So, when i went on the offensive with my family, I started asking questions about their beliefs, and quoting endless magazines and books, of course the answer will be , "but we recieved new light on this matter", so I said when does the "new light" end, if these are truely the last days, shouldn't we know it all by now, why does god keep secrets. Tell, me what believes and doctrines NEVER received "new light", i thought god's laws never change, the bible is 1900 years old, never changes, how come the watchtower beliefs ALWAYS change. How many beliefs do you still believe in by Russell, Rutherford, Knorr and Freddie Franz, if the beliefs of 50, 75, or 100 years ago are no longer valid or important, then how can you prove that the information we are recieving today will still be valid a 100 years from now. So tell me, if people like Noah, Abraham, Moses, Job and Daniel, who all walked with God and served him faithfully to their death, are all waiting to be ressurected for a life on earth, why are people like Russell, Rutherford, Knorr , Franz, Heinschel who were leaders of the Watchtower, who were of the ANNOITED class, and got it all wrong and misunderstood the scriptures (thus new light), how can you say they are in heaven ruling with Jesus as part of the 144,000. there are less and less annoited class left, a lot less then 25 years ago, or 50 years ago, so you want me to believe that today's annoited class of 7,000 or so, majority in their 80's know better then the 20,000 alive 50 years ago who were at a younger age and more knowledgable and are ALL in heaven ruling with Christ RIGHT NOW !!!!!!!!!!! these are the things I said, they had no answers, in fact now, they prefer not to talk to me, amazing what going on the offensive can do. I also mentioned, barring a major change in doctrine, it should all end in the next 20-30 years, all the annoited class will be gone (except for replacements), all the governing body will be dead (governing body have to be of the annoited), the president of the Watchtower now is NOT of the annoited class, so how can we expect him to get it right or give new light when the previous presidents WERE of the annoited class and couldn't get it right. The more i read the history of the Watchtower , the more mistakes I find, how do the 6,000,000 not see it. another great site is i think that right good luck, don't expect any changes in their thinking but one thing i realized that i never thought, I mean NEVER thought, in my life time, was that i would find out that the Watchtower is one big lie, done by about 5-10 people over the period of a 100 years. I have absolutely NO DOUBT at all that the Watchtower is a lie and misleads many, i would challenge any JW , annoited class member or governing body memeber to take me on, and promise I would win. They don't even know what they believe in or what they support. I have always said , read the history, and i mean ALL of it, every publication made from 1879-1994, and you will find nothing but a bunch of mistakes and lies, so before you try to question me, MAKE sure you have read every publication and understand them and can stand up for each publication. If we were too make two piles of publications, one pile of publications that had to receive new light, be revised or be updated, and one pile of publications that NEVER needed to be changed, how big would the piles be ??? Remember gods laws never change, why do the Watchtower's. Good Luck and welcome here

  • Quotes

    Just to correct Run Don't Walk (Sorry, run).

    The Quotes website has moved to it's new home:

    (Currently, the old URL will redirect to the new one, but you may want to update your bookmarks)

  • galaxy7

    My husband said there must be a good reason

    and the usual satan is on the internet

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    My family is in denial about my departure from associating with all things WT. So they don't discuss or allow to be discussed anything having to do with WT issues. I think they may be afraid they will lose contact with their only grandchildren if they knew we've quit. My dad is very content being PO in his congregation...having a daughter leave the Borg would be too embarrasing. So if he doesn't really know it's better, he can just tell people we are 'slackers.' It helps being several hundred miles away too. My guess is that he would say that 'he just follows orders' if confronted with any of WTs dirty secrets. Sad, no personal conscience.

    Rocky's mom is also in denial, and while she listens to the facts we present, she defends WT and says that "Jehovah will take care of it in his time."

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