For those with family in the org...

by kibizzle 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • kibizzle

    Thanks for sharing your experiences guys!:)Kib

  • Elsewhere

    Nothing I told them could change their mind... in their eyes the bOrg and do NO wrong.

    This despite the fact:

    • My Elder father was removed (later restored as an elder) after trying to defend my aunt who was being abused by her MS husband. She was DFed for leaving him. Apparently all of the assaults were her fault.
    • The elders supporting the rites of a convicted rapist who abuses his wife (not the same couple as my aunt). Apparently all of the assaults were her fault too.
    • Rampant alcohol abuse in the congregation.
    • Frequent "special needs" talks about wife swapping
    • Frequent "special needs" talks about "unchrisitan behavior" when not at the KH.
    • At least 25% of the teen girls ended up preg
    • Nearly everyone I knew was on anti-depressants
    • Many devorces... several withen my extended family
    • Never ending politics and back stabing

    Yup... that is Jehover's Spirit Directed Organization.

  • Poztate
    I asked my elder brother (who pretended he never heard of it), I said "do you join the Nazi party because you want a free haircut, do you join a political party because they are having a free dinner, do you join the YMCA because you just want to use the gym ?"

    To me that is a very logical arguement.The problem is the people we want to convince have long ago turned off their brains.They are nothing better than robots who can only blindly follow their master.

  • gumby

    They only know what the "slave" tells them about the UN.......which is very little. They ARE told that the media lies(as with dateline), and that the Apostates have made an issue out of nothing. You could show dubs a picture of Ted Jaracz breeding a hog.....and they wouldn't believe it.


  • Carmel

    I've never had a chance to confront them since I haven't seen any of them for decades. Would love to have the chance but won't go out of my way to find them or strike up a conversation.


  • LoverOfTruth

    For many JWs, the religion is like an addiction. Yes, they are in denial - No different than an addict's behavior. Only if and when they hit bottom, will they listen and take corrective action.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I've just been reading the 15 June 1956 WT article "Fighters for Truth"

    It's a shame they don't still have the same attitude, I might be able to get somewhere with my family.

    Then they were supposed to arm themselves with truth ?with one soul fighting side by side for the faith of the good news, and in no respect being frightened by your opponents..." etc.

    No army goes into battle without first feeling out the enemy to determine its weaknesses. To be forewarned is to be forearmed. Therefore we do well to examine the structure and methods of operation of Satan?s organization

    Now they are taught to run and hide like a defeated army.

    It is very difficult to reason with someone who is hiding, with his fingers in his ears and his eyes covered with a WT.

  • scotsman

    When I showed my mum the UN letter she agreed that it would shock some Witnesses to learn of their NGO involvement. She explains it away with the 'imperfect men' arguement, and that she still feels the Watchtower explains the truth of the Bible regardless of what the corporation does. She and my brother are not interested in examining the flaws of the organisation.

    Personally, I think it's futile trying to open their eyes. Most of the exWitnesses I know had their own personal epiphany that lead them out of the organisation, and unless someone already has doubts I think the UN/child protection/607 issues have no effect. They might see it one day, but if they do it'll have to be for themselves, not because I've forced them to.

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