What an ironic night I've had....

by Tatiana 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • SixofNine

    Ouch ((((Tatiana)))), sorry for that. I had my truck broken into recently, and stereo stolen. Unfortunately(?) my truck can be entered by someone who knows what they are doing, about as fast as a with a key, and with no damage Considering your experience, maybe that is better. And of course, it's not enough for insurance to cover after the deductible.

    Hope today is a better day for you.

  • weasel

    Damn, that hits home. I don't believe in most people, I believe in the earth and the treasures as you said, the flowers and the birds. I know them well and I know I count on them each and every day and they never let me down. With people you just can't trust anything.


  • arrowstar


    I wish there was something I could do for you, hon. Know I'm here if you need to talk.


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