What an ironic night I've had....

by Tatiana 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tatiana

    God knows I don't want to be a cynical person. I hate it. I want to see the good in this world. I see it in the flowers, the birds, the sky.....but I don't see it in people. And I want to so badly. I truly do. I'm sick of being this way.

    I don't believe in organized religion, so I thought that a good way to spend today would be with my son, Dominic. I was off work. I told him he could sleep late, then we'd go see The Passion of the Christ. Discuss it. Go out to dinner. Go home and play Scrabble, then he could get prepared for school. (My older son was spending spring break in Chicago).

    We go to the movie. The 6:30 show. I've seen it twice, so I explain some things to him. I decided to tell him about Jesus, ever since he was small, even if Jesus was just a man. I haven't decided yet, but his teachings were something I try to live by. And I'd like my kids to live that way also.

    The movie is over. I have my kleenex. Even though I've seen it twice, it's very emotional for me. We start discussing the movie as we're walking out of the theater. I parked directly in front of the Star Cinema in Fitchburg. A relatively crime-free neighborhood. A suburb of Madison.

    We get to the car. I click the alarm on the keychain. Dominic yells. The passenger side window is shattered. The entire stereo system....no...the entire dashboard is ripped out. I stand there unable to move. This can't be happening.

    I go back inside the theater. Ask the manager to call the police. I'm shaking. My eyes are still red from crying during the movie. The manager says they have cameras mounted on all corners of the building. He tells me he'll look and let me know if he sees anything. The police are on their way.

    My son and I wait in the lobby. I see someone I work with. Pam. I tell her what happened. She can't believe it. She hugs me and makes me cry again. But then goes off to play a video game.

    The police arrive. They want a CD player that was on the floor of the car for fingerprints. I tell them to take whatever...

    The manager has the video. He asks us to follow him into the office to watch it. It seems this same guy has done this before. I'm transfixed as I watch a nice, new station wagon pull up beside my car....in BROAD DAYLIGHT!!!! People are walking all over the parking lot. Cars are coming and going. He has the balls to get out, break the window, set off the alarm, reach in,.......all the time while people are walking by.....don't they care????? Can't they see??? Don't they hear the alarm going off? I stand there in total disbelief!!!! My son's mouth is open. Two people come out of the theater and get into the car parked right beside us.....while the guy is standing RIGHT THERE!!!!!

    He gets back in his car and drives away. The manager has made a copy for the police. He ejects it, then we see on the original tape still playing.....the guy COMES BACK!!!! I ask if he rewinded the tape. No....he asks the police officer if he wants him to make another copy of him coming back. "No...I think I have enough."

    He does this while the sun is shining. As many as twenty people walk right by him while he's in the act of robbing my car. I'm inside watching a movie about Jesus...loving thy neighbor....loving thy enemy....thinking about how I can be a better person.....

    I guess it could have been worse...we could have been in the car.....

    the world is shit......

  • drwtsn32


    That really sucks... sorry for what happened.

    It seems most people don't pay any attention to car alarms any more. I guess they go off too often and people just tune them out.

  • codeblue

    I am so sorry for you!!! Wow...what an experience. But you wrapped it up with a defining comment: It could have been you and your son in the car!! So true...glad to hear you 2 are ok...


  • ScoobySnax

    Sorry to hear that Tatiana....I had a similar experience recently.....horrible isn't it.

    The main thing is that you and family are safe.

    Take care


  • Tatiana
    It seems most people don't pay any attention to car alarms any more. I guess they go off too often and people just tune them out.

    dr...ok..he was a criminal. Ok....this happens all the time everywhere...

    but...it was surreal watching this on tape. Like watching "Cops." The couple who got into the car right beside mine (two feet away) had to see the glass everywhere. Yet they got in and drove off. The sun was shining. You could see people parking and walking not three feet away from this guy. Why did all these people just ignore this?

  • Urbanparadise

    Tatiana, darlin,

    there are some proper f*ing w***ers on this planet!

    Maybe the bloke crashed his car in his getaway! Maybe I'm evil but sometimes the ****s deserve it!

    If I catch the bastard who nicked my shelf speakers that took me long enuff to make, I'd wring his neck!

    Sorry, you probably don't need a bitter reply to this post!

    Chin up, don't let scum get to you!

  • drwtsn32
    Why did all these people just ignore this?

    Good question. Doesn't make sense, does it? Are you sure the alarm was going off? In any case it really sucks and I hope your insurance will cover the damage.

  • bisous

    well...yes, the world has an assortment of shitty people and shit does happen.

    There are also an assortment of good people and good things happen.

    I don't think a guy named Jesus has much to do with either. But in any event, pretty much we're either half fulls or half empties. You and your kid are okay (or even better sounds like, based on your description of your relationship). I assume your car has insurance? so hopefully it'll be fixed soon. A screwed-up person took advantage of you. How'd you like to live inside of him? probably not for anything, eh?

    So, your glass is probably even more than half full. The world is not shit and neither is your life, I suspect. You'll see.

    Sorry about your lousy day.

  • Tatiana
    Are you sure the alarm was going off?

    yes..it was. The car has a very sensitive alarm. It goes off sometimes when I'm washing it. The officer said that could be why he left and then came back. To see if anyone would report the alarm. What a joke....

    Even if it didn't go off, you could see the guy shattering the glass and the couple getting into their car right next to mine. Maybe he used a "silent" metal bar....

  • Tatiana
    So, your glass is probably even more than half full. The world is not shit and neither is your life, I suspect. You'll see.

    I'm just tired........

    I don't know how much is left in the glass. I've been kidnapped and raped at gunpoint, robbed numerous times. Beaten. By people who supposedly loved me. Homeless....jobless....left to raise six children on my own....and I mean all alone....not just figuratively. I have no family. My sister killed herself. My son was shot. I trust people when I shouldn't. Why is it so hard to find the good?

    But, guess what? I'm still here...alive and struggling to find answers that don't exist. Tomorrow will be another day. My sons are my purpose. I tucked him in and told him I loved him. That's all that matters in the end.

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