What an ironic night I've had....

by Tatiana 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • bisous

    you are a survivor. I knew I recognized one of my people! given all you've overcome, this is small change! get some sleep and when you get up, revel in the gift of your sons. my children were and continue to be my lifeline. you are right, in the end ... that is ALL that matters.

    sadly, sometimes there are no answers. by the way Tatiana, you have a family of sorts here. we may not be much, but we do care.

  • Tatiana
    by the way Tatiana, you have a family of sorts here. we may not be much, but we do care.

    now I'm crying again....how could I forget that, bisous? Sleep now....the only real peace there is.

  • talesin


    Yes, I understand exactly how you feel. For a while now, I have worked hard to gather a few folk around me as friends. At times like this, I focus on them and the fact that I know some *really* good people.

    It's hard to believe in goodness when you have been violated so many times. I'm glad you have your son there to have a hug with and know you are loved.

    Here's some flowers , a nice cup of tea , and a hug


  • bikerchic


    I'm so sorry this happened to you! Don't let the bastards get you down!


  • BluesBrother

    Tatiana, I am so sorry to read this.. it really is the pits. . All I can say is to add to the comments of the others. We care a lot . I do hope that the matter is sorted by insurance and that you are soon feeling better.. Oh and that they catch the B@st@rd and ideally string him up

    ((((((Tatiana))))))) and your son , it must have upset him too

  • Gadget
    Why did all these people just ignore this?

    They ignored it because because its too dangerous not to. The guy had just used a crow bar to smash your window in broad daylight, he would have no problem with using it on the head of anyone who tried to stop him. I think its best just to let them get on with it with out interfering, but using a camera phone like I normally have in my pocket to take some photo's of the guy, and his vehicle to give to the police later. I want to keep my life more than I do someone elses property.

  • outbutnotdown


    Sorry to hear about what happened to you yesterday and especially what has happened to you in the past.

    However, from my own experience and from seeing others that I know who have overcome great obstacles I am convinced og one thing!!!!!!!.......

    The people who suffer the most in this world, if they do not turn too cynical, are the same ones who end up helping the world the most in the long run.

    Keep your chin up and remind your children that there will always be "mean people" in the world, but that at the very least they remind of us of how NICE it is to have GOOD friends.

    Take care, Brad

  • LittleToe


  • Xena

    ah tat I'm so sorry How hard would it have been for one of those people to use their cell to call the police?? I mean if they were worried about being involved or hurt then just drive off I guess but call 911 and report the crime for goodness sakes!

    I think this is a sign you need to move to Texas...here someone would have pulled a gun and shot the critter on the spot...you know how bloodthirsty we are


  • Windchaser

    ((((April)))) I don't know what to say except how sorry I am to hear about this! I wish I could give you a real live hug! It reminded of the girl who screamed for help, over and over, in the courtyard of an apartment complex in Boston. The neighbors looked out their windows and no one called 911 as she was stabbed to death. I just don't understand people at all.

    At least they got a good video of this creep and hopefully you'll see some justice. You are such a kind person and it kills me to see you go through stuff like this. Your love shines on everyone here. Brad is right, don't let this leave you bitter, don't let the creep take any of your love away. (Look what they did to Jesus and he still loved.)

    You are constantly in my thoughts. Big hug to you and Dominic.



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