THE BLAME GAME--need help with this

by cyber-sista 17 Replies latest jw friends

  • psdcb


    so u want to take them out who and half million other people in the world want the same but i seem to remembet we are humans and guess what the organiziaition is not run by man as much as u may think it is has much as satan would like for u to think it is also man has tryed for what now 1,900 yrs to remove jehovahs witness actually been longer then that but ill say sence jesus came to earth cus jesus said if they hated me they we hate u to so geeeeeeee stand in line hilter tryed to wipe us out missed us and been a few other times in history that some thought they wiped us out only to spread the good news to other countrys so geee again stand in line for u first need to get to jehovah to whip out his organiziation and i dont think u have the power to do that and as far as wipeing out all jehovah witness get started now cus last i read there is over 6million of us and growing and we are in 229 country and have just in usa 19,000 cong alone so again hurry time is running out fast on this system of things. 33yrs as one of jehovahs witness's brainwashed clean eyes wide open to truth and no lies here thank god

  • psdcb


    ever think that maybe its our own inperfection that make us keep blameing jehovah got to blame someone well lets put the blame were it really belongs on satan ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the one who really has control of this world we live in our thoughts our heart cus the heart is treachers who can know it but satan sure can read our action and sure help us to move in the direction he wants us to move if we let him however we forget jesus had the same problem with him and what did he say to him satan get behind me so wow now its the oragiziation fault for everything that happens in our life funny its jehovahs and so who are we really blameing god the maker jesus his son who they are in control of it iv been a witness now for 33yrs and i feel for all of the ones who say its the organiziations fault cus they have a bad life cus of them hahah i think really the one is satan and has u thinking its the organiziation my how he has blinded the eyes of many o u say iv not had a bad time ooooooooooo please if i did i would never blame jehovah he did nothing to me i have to take stalk at what i was doing to put my self in a place i shouldnt have been or something i shouldnt have said or done we all know what jehovah expects of us from the time we get baptized we dont come into this with our eyes closed so why blame any one just leave if u want jehovah didnt twist your arm or push u out i think we all know we are all held accountable for what we do we all have to answer to jehovah for what we do no matter if we are elders publishers or pio he sees all knows all and will take care of things when he sees fit not when inprefect man wants it done that is the point isnt it, we as parnets dont jump on our kids till we get all the facts yet we want jehovah to jump funny we forget we are made in jehovah image yet we dont act like him but get mad at him when things dont go our way or we dont get what we want when we thought it was wrong to us ha think again jehovah is in charge trust me iv seen to much to know he will act for his name and not a min to late so people will know it was him and not man who set things straigt and i will bet my life on that one and im sorry u dont feel the same way may jehovah come back into your life again soon.

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Certainly to blame, but never accountable - jws rely on the fact that other people ARE Christian.

  • GreenDragon

    Hi Cyber-Sista

    Blaming people is not the way. I know the people at the top of the organisation are antichrists and are to be damn. The way to get back at them is to get even.

    I am going to corrupt as many people in the congregation and set them free from these antichrists. Some nut case have already reported me to an elder but that elder treated me OK, since I was able to shed some light with him concerning the basic doctrines from these antichrists.

    Come to think of it, JW wasted many years trying to preach to me, and I am still having problems with their major doctrines.

  • plmkrzy

    Gosh Cyber-Sista, if I had any advice that I knew would work once applied I would gladly give it. IMHO, it is something unique to each of us and if we "desire" to get past it then it will happen. I think in order to "really" get past it, it?s necessary to go through all the stages such as anger, disappointment, feeling of betrayal, even feeling just plain stupid. It's natural. But the key in healing and getting past all that is having a desire to in the first place. I can remember feeling like that was the LAST thing I wanted to do was get past it. If you have a healthy desire to do that then you're already half way there.

  • Sunspot

    Hello psdcb,
    "guess what the organiziaition is not run by man as much as u may think it is "

    Guess what! That Organization is run ONLY by man, and much MORE than you even dreamed.

    "he sees all knows all and will take care of things when he sees fit"

    I have no doubt about THAT! I am positive that the Watchtower Society WILL be dealt with accordingly, for the inhuman and heartless things and deliberate lies it has piled up to the heavens. Read Revelation 18:4-8 for a clearer picture.

    The Organization is being exposed right NOW, through the internet, and MANY honest-hearted ones are starting to SEE all the unthinkable actions that the WTS has been guilty of. You have NO idea! But stick around and LOOK at the UNchristian activities that are going on behind the backs of you and your Brothers and Sisters.

    "we are all held accountable for what we do we all have to answer to jehovah"

    I believe that too. NOWHERE have I said otherwise. Just because people leave the WATCHTOWER publishing corporation, doesn't automatically mean they have "left" Jehovah, but that's exactly what YOU are told at the Kingdom Hall. Read Romans 8:38-39 with an open heart and open eyes and SEE what GOD says.....

    "so again hurry time is running out fast on this system of things."
    "this the time to draw closer to jehovah and to him alone dont depend on man"

    The constant hurry-hurry-hurry of the society has YOU in a never-ending rat race---or hadn't you noticed in YOUR 30 years? I'm SURE your kids were told they'd never get to high school, or not to enjoy anything other than "kingdom activities" because that "end" was always- ALWAYS........just around that corner!

    People wasted TIME that could have been used to get decent educations--instead of out pushing literature that hardly anyone ever wanted in the first place. NOW these same folks are cleaning office buildings and washing windows, AND have NO savings or life insurance, etc. They are STILL out pushing literature and spending their own gas money, and all that goes along with car upkeep, slaving for that same book company!

    People that never had children as young couples are now either too old to HAVE the families they wanted or are now dead and gone...and they had put their entire lives and their hopes on "permanent HOLD"....and for WHAT? Jesus even said HE didn't know when the "end" would come, so WHAT does a publishing company DO........but tell its "sheep" MANY TIMES, when to expect this "end" to come!! Go LOOK at the dates they have falsely led the JWs to believe it was coming!

    Even the January 1989 WT said that the "preaching work would be DONE" by the year 2000, and we ALL know what THAT meant don't we??? The "END" would be upon us.........riiight. They do not KNOW what they are talking about--it is SO obvious!!

    "i would never blame jehovah he did nothing to me"

    Of course, and I wouldn't either. I DO blame a "pretend religion" though, for sucking me into their false and twisted teachings while saying they represent the God, Jehovah. The "Watchtowergod" is NOT one and the same, as you were taught to believe.

    "im sorry u dont feel the same way may jehovah come back into your life again soon."

    I never left Jehovah......that's what the Society TELLS ones who leave the organization, it's a fear tactic. I believe what the bible says but I no longer trust in earthling MAN to guide MY steps.

    Just for the record;

    GOD does not change what HE has set down in the Bible.

    The Bible does not change ITS teachings.

    BUT........the Watchtower Society;
    Changes ITS teachings and beliefs on a continual basis, and is proving itself NOT to be any "spokesmen for God" at ALL! Their false teachings and twisted scriptures are being exposed for the evil and corrupt organization they are.

    I hope that YOU will find the scales falling off your eyes as you continue to read what you find here and on the rest of the internet that, reveals ALL........ about your "religion"........



    I think the best possible thing for the dubs to see is that we are happy after our exit from the dubs. I certainly was not happy in the borg. It will mystify them to distraction trying to figure out how we can be happy now, out of the borg ...

    Yup ... I'm a believer that happiness is the best revenge ... hehehe!!!


  • flower

    There are many definitions of the word blame. Personally I am referring to this one.

    Being the cause or source of something: A freak storm was to blame for the power outage.

    I guess I dont really see the word blame as a bad thing. Knowing who is responsible for what happened doesnt mean that we are unable to move past it and it doesnt have to mean one isnt over the anger involved. The person responsible is responsible whether or not someone is angry at them or not. I just see it as a x=y.

    I think some people think of a different definition when they hear the word blame and therefore feel its a negative thing. Like this definition might conjure up negative feelings.

    To bring reproach upon; to blemish.

    This is not how I feel about my parents even though I blame them for a very bad childhood/young adulthood. I dont wish any harm on them and if they unplugged themselves one day from the matrix, ALL would be forgiven...and there is a LOT to forgive believe me.

    I do feel this kind of 'blame' towards the WTS and I wish it all the harm it deserves. I think the WT is going down and I am glad to be a part of its demise. I disagree that it isnt good to feel this kind of blame. Its this kind of feeling that will ultimately bring down the WT.

    If everyone just 'got over it' and 'moved on' then no one would be compelled to write books, start web sites, march for silent lambs, ect,ect.

    In some situations the person to blame made an innocent mistake (ie our parents) and in some cases they delibrately decieved people. Those delibrately causing harm need to be punished.

    just my opin

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