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by Purza 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • desib77



  • Special K
    Special K

    Hi Purza

    Welcome to the forum.

    Sounds like you have a full plate.

    Glad to hear you are starting couselling... I'm sure that will help with some of the instilled fears that Jehovah's Witnesses instill.

    I was basically raised as a J.W. too, and found it extremely difficult to get rid of these fears and anxiety.

    Steven Hassans book, "Releasing the Bonds".. was extremely helpful to me in that area.. Just a suggestion to have a look at it, I just know it would help. Ask your cousellor if she has ever heard of it.

    I mentioned it to an acquaintance of mine, a cult therapist in my area of the world, and she was glad to hear about this book and was eager to get herself a copy. She has worked with quite a few J.W. and other types of cult survivors.

    take care...and be easy on yourself


    Special K

  • aunthill

    Welcome, Purza....

    Don't worry about running into old "friends" - if they know that your dad isn't speaking to you or that your brother (such love JW families show) turned you in, they will ignore you, at best, or run the other way, at worst (which I always think is funny - why are they so afraid of us?) If you do see someone who doesn't know what is going on, you can always shock the socks off of them by saying "Oh, don't you know? I'm an apostate now." Or words to that effect, depending on if you like this person or not. I ran into one dear lady at the store, and I told her that I had DA'd myself, so she really didn't want to talk to me; the poor thing walked off looking puzzled and, I think, worried about me.

    Hang in there. It does get easier.


  • willyloman
    I can't recommend enough that you read the book, "WHEN GOD BECOMES A DRUG", by Leo Booth.

    Second the motion! Leo is a former Catholic priest, turned Episcopalian, turned "guy on a spiritual journey." He is a recovery counselor who views religious abuse as a form of addiction similar to alcoholism or drug dependency and shows how the recovery steps for substance addiction work really well for people who were abused by, or addicted to, religion.

    You will be astounded at how well this theory "fits" our common JW background. I can't emphasize enough how important it is for all of us refugees from dub-dom to get counseling or go into some sort of recovery program, even if you just create your own recovery by reading and listening to tapes and talking it all out with someone who had the same experience (hey, I guess that's why this board is so important to us).

    Leo's at

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    Hi Purza

    welcome to the forum.

    I know EXACTLY what you are going through---I did it back in the late 70s ( left full time pioneering to attend college--and all the repercussions!)

    But I did do 2 years of therapy ( I did need it) and it did wonderful things for me. I consider myself forturnate to have escaped and to rebuild my life. You can do it too; and it sounds like you have a supportive husband to assist you. That can make all the difference. This forum is a great place to start ! Lots of friendly supportive x JWs to encourage you. And keep up the college work! It is so important.

    good luck to you, Frank

  • BluesBrother

    Welcome to Purza !

    This is the place to be. We have all been there , we have dealt with the anger , the guilt and inner emotions that go with the realisation that the Borg is not "The Truth" .(Correction, some of us are still dealing with it) but at least we understand... Even a therapist has never been in this situation him/her self, although they may offer expert help.

    When I woke up to that realisation, I was not sure whether it was a glorious release from the treadmill of meetings, talks, items etc, or instead a crushing disappointment that the promises were never going to be fulfilled .

    But no doubt now, life is better on the outside and there are some amazing people here . This board can make you laugh and cry in one session ...

    We look foreward to your future posts

  • HadEnuf

    Welcome Purza!

    You definately have come to the right place. Here you will find wonderful, kind people who have gone through much of what you are experiencing. Stick around and air out some of your worries and fears. Good for you for seeking professional help also. That is a step that will no doubt help you immensely in dealing with exiting the Watchtower org.

    Keep your chin up. It really does get better.

    Cathy L.

  • marie67


    I'm addicted to this forum too!!! Many things are suffering because of it!!! What a snare!!

    Anyway, I know how you feel hope you can come to terms with it!!! I wish I could have the guts alot of people here do!!

    Maybeeeee some day!!!!! Marie

  • reganashe

    Welcome!!! Purza

    The couseling should really help I know that it has helped me alot. Give your self some time and stop beating your self you'll be so surprised how your life changes.

    Love, Regan Ashe

  • Puternut

    Welcome Purza,

    This is your new home now. We're all family. Pull up a chair and let's have a few drinks .


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