Pharmacy Refuses To Fill Birth Contol Pills-Do They Have That Right?

by wednesday 53 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • wednesday

    XW ,

    yes it was a struggle to be employed as a nurse and a JWS. I found that of course giving blood was an essential part of my job and even though technically i could ask another nurse to help me, it was just not ok. I was abusing them, (the other nurses) and risking my patients care. I have no right to do that. U know the funny thing, i worked one place and a Co was sick and in the hospital, dying. He was on my floor. I actually went in and talked with him privately about this. U know what he told me? he said if it was a part of my job, I should GIVE THE BLOOD. He said as long as i did not force it on someone, then i could give it. The WTS however, does not agree with him. So I found myself a position in a different type of setting, one in which i would never face blood transfusions. It was just too difficut to deal with otherwise. It produced so much anxiety, daily not knowing if one of my patients woud need blood, and who would i get to help me. The stress was just too mcuh. It was either find another area, or quit. Also, i found that the other medical professionals really hate JWS , for the most part. It was really difficult claiming to be a jws and a nurse. So I stopped telling people. The area I ended up working in, Psych, which has a lot of legal issues, but thankfully, no one on a psych floor will be getting a blood transfusion. I may have to transfer them off for a blood transfusion, but i won't have to administer it.

  • SixofNine

    hmmm, as far as I knew, any JW doctor would give blood, or else refuse to practice in any area of medicine where their patients would ever possibly need it. I think they even wrote about that at one time?

  • wednesday

    six, the one doc i knew who was a surgeon in this area for a long time, just told patients up front he did not administer blood. But his practice was all JWS, so it worked out ok. Would have been interesting had he done surgery on a non-jw and had a bad outcome.

    Actually, i had surgery to "tie my tubes" as they call it, and he nearly refused to do that b/c it was sterlization. But he found a medical reason he could justify it with. but he told me he had to think it over. Imagine that.

    I was told by every elder i ever talked to that no jws would ever administer blood. They viewed it as almost the same as receiving it. But much has changed in the last few years regarding blood, ie, so many things are now conscience areas.

  • wednesday
    Between this dumbass, the dumbass pharmacist' refusing to sell "morning after" pills in Denton TX, and George W Bush, Texas is being represented to the world as a bunch of religious idiots. We aren't all religious!

    Texas does have a lot of people in it that have strong convictions. But it is a very large state. We have had some very outstanding nutcases here, ie waco texas.

    My hubby could not believe the "blue laws" that were still in effect when i was a child.

  • Yerusalyim
    We're talking about birth control pills, not abortion pills, Yeru.


    Actually, some bcp's are also abortificants...that being said, I agree that the pharmacist should fill the scrip for bcp's in general because I know many women who take them for medical reasons. If he/she feels they personally can't do it...they should identify someone who can for the customer.

  • ignored_one

    What would this guy have done had 2 guys came in holding hands wanting to buy condoms?


    Ignored One.

  • little witch
    little witch

    Suppose I am raped. I go to the hospital where I am treated for my injuries (possible pregnancy is an injury of the rape IMO)

    Am I to be further humiliated and scorned by a pharmacist and those in line behind me? Do I deserve to be a political scapegoat? Should I have to explain the horror I have went through? Should my misfortune be a public spectacle and yet another hurdle to cross?

    I don't think so. If one goes into a career that demands privacy, then I would expect my RX filled without comment on the fillers religious views.

    Religious views are personal and have no place in medicine delivery period. If that pisses you off, then don't try to deliver medicine or medical care, soon or later it will conflict with your personal views.

    You are more suited to window washing where there are no complaints or conundrums.

    And while a little bit off topic, I want to state that I am watching closely the goings on in Washington State. I hope to see the day that women can simply go to a pharmacy and request birth control pills without prescription.

    My ovaries and vagina belong to me, and I shouldnt have to defend my need to not have children to anyone else. BCP are a proven safe controceptive if used correctly, the expense of obtaining them is similar to a doctor insisting that he is intitled to 75 bucks to clip a persons toenails (although a hairsylist can do it for free).

  • Billygoat

    I don't agree with companies that FORCE you to do something against your religious beliefs. But then again, I believe that some religious beliefs are very outdated. For years I had irregular periods that were only regulated by BCP. How does that pharmacist know when one is taking BC for health or BC purposes? My say is it's none of his business. Hopefully, an intelligent pharmacy would let their employees have their rights without imposing them on others. How difficult would it have been for that pharmacist to ask his coworker to fill the script?

    I agree. This is a mountain over a molehill.

  • Yerusalyim

    Little Witch:

    Religious views are personal and have no place in medicine delivery period. If that pisses you off, then don't try to deliver medicine or medical care, soon or later it will conflict with your personal views.

    YOU are just WRONG on this issue. You would have every doctor in the US being forced to perform abortions...or perform assistance with a suicide for that matter. Religious views don't take second fiddle to your desire to kill your baby.

    Should all Prison Guards be forced to participate in the execution of criminals?

  • detective

    I agree with those that say the pharmacist should find another line of work or perhaps a seek out work at a religious-affiliated hospital.

    The next thing you know he won't fill scripts for STD antibiotics.

    Clearly, he's busy playing moral regulator when he should be doing his job. Frankly, I'd fire his ass. Ah, wishful thinking, but lovely nonetheless!

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