Does the faithful slave exist?

by XQsThaiPoes 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • XQsThaiPoes

    LOL no I am a 23 year old "old timer" JW raised in the truth never reproved or DFed. All old JWs that hang around a while know what I know. Most are just old and grey(think of the WTS evolution they lived through). They just change the laguage so they sound wise or humble. They say they are "confused about teachings", "over our heads", and "too deep for us" to disarm the noobs and the zealots that don't get the true nature of the org. After a while it all gels. You see cleary and snicker when people don't get the joke. Jehovah is a holy bigot. The problem is in the early days bigotry was cool but now you have to emphasize stuff people wana hear. They don't want a God that takes 8 people and kills the world anymore.

    They want a Jesus, a Grace, and a salvation. See my "Cruel Angel Thesis". Thats the real God run for cover we are all screwed.

    Thats why the watchtower is so akward and nuerotic. They know there is less salvations than witnesses (like Rutherford in 1935). They don't know how to break the news to the R&F (like you guys say ) feel if they turn the people that can't read inbetween the lines into bathroom attendants, and "keep moving" sign holders God will see they are trying to at least humor him.

    It maybe black/white double think but it is for real it is how the bible was writen. I am cool with it.

  • XQsThaiPoes

    Actually it is weird getting comments from people on this board. It is like I don't exactly fit in here also.

  • Satanus


    Hey, don't worry about not fitting in here. We're a motley crew of survivers. Some of us are walking wounded, emotionally, many have recovered and have good lives. Some of us are just trying to figure out what the hell is going on. I guess i am of the latter and the first. Anyways ...

    It maybe black/white double think but it is for real it is how the bible was writen. I am cool with it.

    Do you really think that a bigot created everything, and is omnipotent? Do you think a messed up book like the bible came from that god? 'Course, nature is pretty #U(<+) up, isn't it?


  • SAHS

    XQ?s idea that

    ?I belife the faithful slave does not exist in a tangible form and is a ghostwriter for the entire org. Everything is subcontracted from mostly the great crowd now billed as corespondants?

    reminds me of an episode of The Simpsons where Homer Simpson found out that his boss, Monty Burns, was employing a loophole whereby technically the registered owner of the nuclear power plant was actually a budgie bird kept on the premises in a cage. This was so that in the event of a visit from the nuclear inspection team, any scandal or fiasco would legally be the fault of the bird. (If you must know, Monty ended up getting Homer to accept that position of ?designated? owner of the plant, which didn?t work out too well for him. The Simpsons is a popular animated series, in case you didn?t know.)

    The similarity to the GB is that they purport to assume full responsibility for their ?work? ? which, of course, they say is passed down the line of command directly from God and Jesus ? however, since no one puts their name on any of their articles, and anyone they might consign as a ?ghostwriter? also doesn?t put their name on any of their work either ? well, there is no way of knowing who is really responsible for what. In practical terms, the ?faithful slave? is really an anonymous, ambiguous entity that everyone points to as the ?designated? custodian of belief and procedure, but in reality . . . well, it might as well be that bird in a cage.


  • bebu

    Well, I guess you must REALLY be enjoying those pointless meetings and wasting all your time in service of "cynical jerks". Wouldn't want to make you unhappy by encouraging you to leave the pretense.


  • cyber-sista

    I think I may be on to this game XQ--you got my goat there for a minute...but it's cool...whatever...

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