Does the faithful slave exist?

by XQsThaiPoes 35 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Satanus


    To quote something, highlight it, then click on the little quote bubble beside the smiley. Just move the curser down a line, cuz once the quotes are in, it won't allow further typing to go outside.

    God loves slavery. Thats what people don't get. He only likes fealty. I think people try to make God nicer than he is. Jehovah is not Jesus. He is a totalitarian.

    Well, there you go. Yet, it is claimed in the bible that jesus is the exact image of god. Doesn't that set off a little bell somewhere?


  • XQsThaiPoes
    Well, there you go. Yet, it is claimed in the bible that jesus is the exact image of god. Doesn't that set off a little bell somewhere?

    They must not have read the OT, but good old John of Patmos brings it back with his old skool remix of Isaiah and Daniel. The embittered armies of God come back with a vengance.

  • cyber-sista


    Are you for real? What is your game?

  • XQsThaiPoes
    Are you for real? What is your game?

    Um... let me check... yes. I like Starwars Galaxies at the moment.

    What am I too surly today? But really what are you trying to say?

  • hillary_step
    What am I too surly today? But really what are you trying to say?

    I think cyber-sista is actually trying to say, does your brain take Monday's off?


  • XQsThaiPoes

    Its monday!!! OMG!

    In RL I am a smart person that is an idiot.

  • dustyb

    ...i would just like to say that i currently go to meetings and i currently read all the Watchtower literature. and most people have it right, its a crock of shiz and shinannigans. the "faultless and humble" "faithful and discreet" slave hasn't proven faithful or discreet over the years. they've let their people die off with their interpretations, they've told people that they won't allow ANY debate in their beliefs, and they've disfellowshipped people for disagreeing, and rewrote the definition for "shun". the GB are also hypocrit idiots that say one thing and do another. but you know what they say, you can't teach an old dog new tricks......

  • XQsThaiPoes
    ...i would just like to say that i currently go to meetings and i currently read all the Watchtower literature. and most people have it right, its a crock of shiz and shinannigans. the "faultless and humble" "faithful and discreet" slave hasn't proven faithful or discreet over the years. they've let their people die off with their interpretations, they've told people that they won't allow ANY debate in their beliefs, and they've disfellowshipped people for disagreeing, and rewrote the definition for "shun". the GB are also hypocrit idiots that say one thing and do another. but you know what they say, you can't teach an old dog new tricks......

    Dude the FDS they don't exist it's the pen name for the mostly great crowd writers of the watchtower. The GB are CEO's look it up on or the cd. They are the ones constantly repositioning the watchtower politicaly, publicaly and fiscaly. From what I can see Bethel is an private island of JWdom where people basically "act normal"(my friend is there) because the watchtower is so decentralized and legaly smart they build a firewall so your local cong basicaly makes or breaks you. I come from a bad area entire congs have been broken up for the most insidious things and remerged with good ones (instant 15 elder hall ). The "cover" is we had to make room for the spanish. The watchtower is playing it smart as long as the DOs and COs remain feirce they will do okay.

  • blacksheep

    " I may be wrong but there seems to be a quiet changing of the gaurd and the "aids" to the faithfull slave are actually doing all the slaving. There probally hasn't been a an "active" faithful slave since the 80s."

    Not sure I fully understand your point, but IMO since all the "annointed" are dying off, there has to be some changing of the guard. How many are left???...

  • cyber-sista

    Why are you here XQ?. Seems like you're playing a double think double speak game here. Are you still a witness or what? If so you are a hyocritical one (no offense). Just wondering.


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