Morsels of Lard

by Xena 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • WhyNow2000

    SUSHI!!!! & Nachos!!!!!

  • bisous

    never met a potato i didn't like (true irish lass)

    nor have I ever met well prepared mexican food that I could resist...

  • copsec

    I absolutely LOVE tamales and I miss living in Texas where I could get them all the time. Fortunately for me Authentic Mexican restaurants are popping up all over the Midwest and I can get my fix! (although still not QUITE the same)

  • crownboy
    For those of you who don't know what Krispy Kreme is, it the crack-cocaine of the pastry world.

    Agreed. Before eating my first Krispy Kreme doughnut, I always felt that doughnuts were overrated. Now I'm in a minor depression because the gas station near my school has stopped serving them (not like I can't get them at another location, though ). Yet another reason not to believe in a loving god .

    Now I've got to go find a Mexiacn restaurant and taste a tamale, I suppose.

  • BeautifulGarbage
    so is this just a texas thing...anyone else have a tamale craving?

    It's a California thing too. Especially, in the central valley.

    I've got the butt to prove it!

    I'm always bugging my Mexican friends to make tamales, and bring me some!

    My husband and I are going to dinner at a new Mexican restaurant tomorrow night that everyone is raving about.

    Maybe I'll try the tamales....

    For sure gonna have a nice big margarita. Yummmmm

  • SixofNine

    more salacious phallicism from Xena. sheesh.

    lol, tamales.... well good tamales, are a gift from the god(s) of mount Titicopafeel or whatever that big volcanic teton is near mehico city.

  • DanTheMan
    mount Titicopafeel


  • Xena
    And for dinner I'll be having lamb chops braised in champagne and then cream is added to the champagne 'sauce' and drizzled over the lamb.

    Marry Me CeriseRose

    I like cream fillings too aunthill (have fun with THAT six, you perv) mom used to make creampuffs....heavenly!

    Dan, Flower & crownboy....I can only shake my head in sorrow at your tamale deprived palates

    Hey flower who has the best frenchfries? McDonalds or Wendys??

    He realized that the shucks werent meant to be consumed. Too late.

    The next morning he said he knew what it felt like to go through childbirth!

    ROFL Dino....I gotta wonder...just how much booze did he drink??? Lol I can't imagine even trying to eat a shuck! Much less passing it later!

    I know nilfun it just seems so wrong somehow, doesn't it?

    Why, Oh yea sushi uuummmm I could eat that every day! What's your favorite? Mine is probably tuna...I like the firm fleshed fishes...and wasabe lol nothing else can clean the sinus passages like that can!

    We will have to get you all the Mexican food you want while you are here bisous! Do you get much there in Oregon?

    copsec, nice to see good Mexican spreading around the country! Now come back to Texas where you belong!

    lol BG, EVERYTHING is better with a good margarite! I like mine frozen with lots of salt on the rim!!

    Six, Six, me suck a tamale from it's shuck at the fest...THEN you be thinking phallic

  • SixofNine


  • Xena

    lol I can only imagine your reaction when you see me swallow

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