Morsels of Lard

by Xena 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • MegaDude

    Valis' Catholic School Girl makes the best tamales I ever tasted.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    ...a fresh cut of rare beef....swimming in worscester sauce...and a bottle of Merlot to go with it....

  • Shutterbug

    Xena, that has got to be the best offer I've had in years. My Doctor says I shouldn't eat anything fattening, but what does he know ??

  • Xena

    I've never been much of a donut eater myself gita but my ex suffered from the Krispy Kreme addition too, so I understand your pain!

    Bryan, I love the tamales...and tortilla's...fresh warm with butter..uuummmmm

    I wouldn't know Mega, *I* didn't get any , get Valis to try and talk her into making some for the fest...I will get with our tamale guy and order some to bring with me....what kind do you and Shutter like?

    aaahhh franklin, a man after my own heart....a rare cut of prime meat and a good wine...just add the fresh baked sourdough bread and real butter and I am SO there!

  • CeriseRose

    Well, I just confessed my cheese fries addiction on my intro thread.

    And for dinner I'll be having lamb chops braised in champagne and then cream is added to the champagne 'sauce' and drizzled over the lamb.

    With rosemary potatoes and salad. MMMMMMMMM

  • aunthill

    Brings back memories of tamales bought from a young mexican woman, going trailer to motorhome in the park in Mulege, Baja California. They were soooo good. Also the tortillas made with lard. Yummm!

    My very favorite thing that I can't resist is s gooey dessert, anything with a cream filling.

  • DanTheMan

    I've never had tamales in my life. *Note to self* must visit Texas someday...

    KFC fried chicken, and chocolate chip cookies fresh from the oven....mmmmmmm

  • flower

    Never heard of Tamales, must be a Texas thang. My fatty weakness is french fries. Thick cut, thin cut, waffle cut..doesnt matter as long as they are deep fried and pippin hot ...even bad fries are good lol.

  • Dino

    Hi Xena.

    One JW I knew went down to South Texas for his brother's wedding. There were about 100 people chowing down on authentic Mexican tamales. Being famished he lit in with gusto. After his hunger was satisfied, he looked from his plate and noticed that everyone else had corn shucks on their plates.

    He realized that the shucks werent meant to be consumed. Too late.

    The next morning he said he knew what it felt like to go through childbirth!


  • nilfun
    I've never had tamales in my life.
    Never heard of Tamales


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