Who is going to be at your funeral?

by buffalosrfree 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • buffalosrfree

    This is a question my wife asked me again today. I get this question asked about every 3 to 4 months. She is concerned about what other people may think i guess. My wife is at times deeply concerned that we don't serve Jehovah (i.e. the governing body) shoulder to shoulder (you have to be kidding)..

    She is typical of dubs can't have a conversation with her without it breaking into a screaming fit by her. She is concerned that when i die no one will come. When i point out that i don't care, that bothers her. i told her funerals are only for the living the dead don't care. And how the people at her congregation may feel about my prospective death dosen't matter a hoot to me.

    I told her that she and others there in the hall worship the governing body and strive to do its will, she really gets pissed, but the troof if the troof. When i pointed out that she has to check the watchtowers for answers to questions she has on purely private matters instead of the Bible, she agrees that she does, but doesn't see that she relies on their words instead of what the bible may plainly point out.

    Any others out there have these kind of discussions with thier spouses, mates, friends, etc?

  • FlyingHighNow
    i told her funerals are only for the living the dead don't care.

    "Gravestones cheer the living, dear. They're no use for the dead." from Buy For Me The Rain.

    I sometimes think about this. Andy and his family. My kids and grandkids. My friends from work I suppose. I have helped many people over the years who might show up were it in their town. One thing is for sure: I don't want a typical one.

    I just heard a horror story about JWs and a fellow who just died from AIDS/Cancer. He was never baptized. He planned his own funeral. A brother, put up to it by the fellow's mom, tried to stop those plans because JWs cannot speak at a funeral unless they are the only ones to speak. It's a gruesome story, but the JWs did NOT prevail. I'll share it sometime. It's worth repeating.

    Get your plans in writing.


  • Golf

    "The guy asked me way I'm not going to his funeral, I replied, because your not coming to mine."

    Guest 77

  • Dansk


    My wife's out with me - but your question kind of hit home.

    I had a health scare a couple of weeks ago. It took a third doctor to diagnose that the tumour I have is benign.

    Anyway, I didn't know that at the time so, thinking I had a short time, I laid out my funeral plans with Claire, my wife. I told her straight. I wanted a Buddhist funeral and that my coffin was to be as cheap as possible - home-made by a friend. I also told her not to book any funeral directors as their charges are scandalous and their reverence false. I have a friend with a white van. I wanted him to drive the coffin in his van and he could also be one of the pall-bearers. The other pall-bearers would be other friends from the judo club. I had originally wanted to be buried - in my own garden. However, that not being likely, I wanted my ashes to be sprinkled over the border opposite the kitchen window, where my beloved wife and children could look out every day and I could "look back".

    Your question is important - because now that we are all out of the Borg we MUST consider what we now believe and adjust our funeral desires accordingly. I guess this is a kind of heads-up post. Thanks!


  • freein89

    I know I'll be there!

  • cypher50

    I don't have this conversation because my friends who are Witnesses have 'lovingly' shunned me...

    However, if I did then I would just mention Hebrew 11:37-40...many of you might not be Christians anymore & we definitely aren't prophets but the principle of the scripture hits home for all who have openly disagreed with the WTS:

    37 They were stoned [6] ; they were sawed in two; they were put to death by the sword. They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated-- 38 the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground.
    39 These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. 40 God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect.

    I wouldn't be looking for who attends my funeral because that doesn't matter to me...what matters is how I am considered in God's eyes and his eyes alone.

  • Undecided


    Ken P.

  • Sassy

    use the scripture back on your wife............tell her that it won't matter, because remember your thoughts do perish, you won't know the difference

    as far as me and who would be there? well right now, SimpleSally, my bf, Crit (recent new member), my sister if the funeral was here........

    if my bf took me back home and I know he would not have it in a KH (No duh), then probably Sally and Crit wouldn't be there but my sister, bf, mother, dad, my dad's wife, brother and children and probably my ex..

    wow.. the thought of that is scarey.. my dad hates my mom.. and it would be interesting to see my bf and my ex in the same room.. I sure hope my thoughts do perish.. I don't think I want to know

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    my wife tells me that if I die ( some day....it is inevitable) she will sell all my "things" at a garage sale; subdivide our property ( formal gardens which I designed, layed out and cultivate myself) and build apartments on the acreage; and have a huge Catholic Mass for my funeral service . LOL( I KNOW I am going to hell for that one!) She rationalizes that when you are dead, you do not care ( just try to stop me!) and that funeral services are to comfort the living ( she is Catholic).

    She does have a point.....and about the apartments...practical girl.

  • Valis

    Actually I am the beneficiary for several of my friends. After I have them cremated then it is super party time with anything left over. The same is for me. They all have my instructions and my family is NOT to be involved in any formal service. If they want to have one at the KH that is fine, but I guarantee you none of my friends will be there!


    District Overbeer

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