A flood of emotions

by onacruse 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • shotgun

    You big galloot...Craig your a good man..sorry to hear about the problems...It's bad enough you have an odour problem and now these things!

    You know I think the world of you and Kate....Hope to see ya before too long so we can catch up on the good things and put the bad to the side for awhile..


  • Sunnygal41

    Hon, I know what you're going through........lol...........boy do I know.............broke a long term relationship this month, and was terminated from my 4 + years employ with the City of New Britain, CT. You can have some of the energy that this group and other friends have been sending to me...................................~~**~~**~~**................now (that) is a head rush!


  • simplesally

    Hope you are feeling better soon!

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Socks up boss!


  • Puternut

    My deepest empathies are with you Craig. I hope you can get through this time.

    May be it's time to go-on-a-cruise?


  • wildfire

    dear craig,,, you have been an anchor for me,, as you know all the crazy stuff i have been going thru and continue to go thru,,

    my oldest brother committed suicide 21 yrs ago and left a scar on my heart that is still there...

    i would really love to meet you and katie in person.. you sound like salt of the earth types to me...i am still on my journey to austin, tx.so who know s our paths may cross,,,

    i read margaret singers book on cults , a menace in our times and it set alot of things straight in my mind ( hey thank god i have a mind left after all i have been thru ,,28 yrs in the borg) so dear friend... know you are being thought of... with love and kindness.call me sometime..... you have some great wisdom to impart with all you have been thru... remember what doesnt kill yu makes yu stronger,,,love and peace wildfire

  • Sassy

    Hey Craig, sorry you have all this you are going through. I guess there are times life hits us harder than others. As much as we harrass you .. you know we only do it because we love you..

    Sassyasssy.. (just so you know.... you are the ONLY one allowed to call me that)

  • codeblue


    Sorry to hear you are having such a "tough time"...will a hug help? Here's one for ya:

    Hoping to see you and Kate this Sat.

    Much love,

    Mr. and Mrs. Codeblue

  • imallgrowedup

    Man, Ona, when it rains, it pours, doesn't it?!

    I'm sorry to hear you are having a tough time right now. You are normally so cheerful, optimistic and witty that sometimes I tend to forget that people as likeable as you are human and have bad days, too. Just know that you are loved and respected here on the board, and that I hope your melancholy passes soon.



    [Edited to add: Love your new avatar! It goes perfectly with your screen name! Also glad to see that you and Kate have been able to make a stop at the beautiful Port of Call in Bosnia/Herzogovina. Please let us know when your ship leaves port and sets sail for your newest destination! ]

  • logansrun


    Take care buddy.


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