Why I like Jehovah's Witnesses

by undercover witness 52 Replies latest jw experiences

  • freemindfade
    Good people in the organization are just that good people, the idea one is intrinsically tied to the other is not right. Most my family that are uber are just very good people. I believe they would be this way in , or if they had never been contacted. There are great people inside with great motives. Doesn't make the whole thing not a cult. There are also a lot of aholes. Its funny how the good people the credit is given to the org, but the @$$holes are just "imperfect people in a perfect organization" and the org gets a pass from being responsible for this. Its all BS and if you believe being JW makes you good thats cognitive bias based. I've known more atheist that were honest, kind, would do anything for you, much more than most any dub I've ever known. And I've been in this thing from birth for decades. Ive traveled been in "good halls" and "Bad halls" I feel pretty rounded, and I am telling you good people are just good people. A good witness is a good person, a good atheist is a good person. The end. 
  • Honesty
    undercover witless:
    However, there are many reasons why I like Jehovah's Witnesses wherever they may be. They know the essential validity of the Bible and from all of the versions of the Bibles, their's is the only one that makes any actual sense.  

    Their bible may make sense to someone like you, but to those of us who relied on it for years to guide our deceived steps, it is the worst  piece of spiritual pornography ever produced.

    Enjoy your delusion.

  • Hortensia

    Well, I think many of the members are probably pretty harmless. The religion, however, is a cult and causes a lot of damage. Those "nice" people do some really harmful things because their religion tells them to.

    Of course, I think all religions are evil.JWs aren't even the most harmful or dangerous, just one of the less benign ones.

  • sowhatnow

    its funny, most here speak of they and them, 

    and forget    'they and them'     were    we and us.   be careful,

    you'd be criticizing yourselves a bit too much here. i can [but will not,  lol]  take offense  at

    being lumped into  a group of selfish and  shallow  liars and narcissists.

     surely no one starts out that way. everyone who falls for  the teachings are either born in, or  seeking for new hope and end up getting misled. there are all sorts of people . that's why we must be careful.

  • goingthruthemotions
    My wife is willing to let her marraige breakup for it...ya, real nice people. if they were so nice, why don't they accept you has you are? smoking and all...other religions do
  • sparrowdown

    What has "nice" got to do with it?

    Serial killers can be "nice!"

  • garyneal
    Another hit and run post.  I sincerely doubt undercover witness is even reading anymore.
  • Magnum

    I deliberately refrained from reading any responses above because I did not want my thoughts to be influenced by such. I will read all posts after posting this.

    They know the essential validity of the Bible

    How do you know "they know the essential validity of the Bible"? I don't really even know what you mean by that, but I guess you mean they recognize that the Bible is valid. If that's what you mean, then you first have to prove the Bible is valid before you can praise a group for recognizing its validity.

    and from all of the versions of the Bibles, their's is the only one that makes any actual sense.

    WHAT???? And by authority or ability do you make such a bold statement? How many other "versions" of the Bible are you even aware of? You must be aware of "all" of them since you imply such. You've read and analyzed and compared all of them in a scholarly manner? Is that what enables you to make such a bold, authoritative statement?

    So the NWT 'makes sense' to you and the other translations don't? Why don't you give us some specifics? You are so presumptuous. You come on here and tell us that the only "version" that makes sense is the NWT? And exactly why, again, are we supposed to just blindly accept what you say?

    They know the reality of the Creator

    No they don't. I've talked with JWs extensively. They don't know the reality of anything. They believe in a creator, yes, but they don't know the reality of a creator. My mother's proof of the reality of a creator is to tell me to look at an orchid.

    The JW religion has resorted to misquotes, deception, omitting facts, etc. to try to prove the existence of a creator. Why does it (the religion) have to do that if there really is a creator and "they know the reality of the Creator."

    And I make the same point in answer to your 'they know the validity of the Bible' statement. You first have to prove that there is a creator before you can praise JWs for knowing "the reality of the Creator."

    They know a con from most of the world's religions when they see it too.

    But they don't know the con that slaps them in the face every day - the one from their own religion. They refuse to accept evidence clearly presented to them that there is something majorly wrong with their own religion. Yes, maybe they do see the huge rafters in the eyes of others, but have to look around the rafters in their own eyes to see such.

    They know the prophecies in the Bible and pretty much what they mean and what is on the horizon and beyond.

    How would you know that? And, again, same point as made above. You have to know absolutely that the Bible is true and you have to know exactly what the prophecies mean in order to be able to praise JWs for 'knowing the prophecies in the Bible' and "pretty much what they mean".

    So, you agree with the current JW "generation" doctrine? If you don't know what I'm referring to, then you have absolutely zero business coming on here and praising JWs for knowing Bible prophecies and what they mean.

    So JWs know what Bible prophecies mean? Have you examined the history of JWs' understanding of Bible prophecy over the last 125 or so years?

    Not everything they say or do, nor everything they believe, stands up to examination from the heart, but the vast majority of what they say about the Bible is correct and can be demonstrated by them from every version of the Bible.

    And, how do you know? Damn, you come across as being one of the most presumptuous, ignorant people I've ever experienced. How would know that "not everything they say or do, nor everything they believe, stands up to examination"? How would you know that "the vast majority of what they say about the Bible is correct"? Are you some kind of world expert? We're just supposed to expect what you say, and you're not even a JW? What are you? Who are you? By what authority do you make such statements?

    And they mean you well.

    I agree with you that a lot of (if not most) individual JWs mean well, but, still, almost all are ignorant of the real JWdom and the Bible. Many are ignorant in general, and many are not very intelligent. They are, like you, presumptuous. They think they know so much, but they know and understand so little.

    Without hatred in their hearts nor money on their minds.

    They hate anybody who points out things against their religion, yet they think they have license to speak freely about the religions of others. They hate anybody who dares to ask legitimate questions that imply negative things about their religion

    I agree that many individual JWs don't have money on their minds, but the organization??? Now come on! That seems to be all it has on its mind.

    They know what the so-called 'Good News' actually is

    Same point I've made above. This is the fourth time. You have to know yourself exactly what the good news is and prove it before you can praise JWs for knowing what it is. How do you know they know what it is? So you know what it is? Can you prove it?

    It is a shame most people think they are mad.

    It's a shame they think I and others like me are mad because we seek truth and dare to use our heads and think logically.

    Above all I like Witnesses because they are my fellow human beings and that's reason enough to like anyone.

    Shame they don't feel the same way. They're smug and self-righteous. If you challenge and question them, they won't like you.

  • Xanthippe

    A work colleague asked me yesterday how my mother being a JW and my father not converting affected them. Very badly I said, it ruined their marriage, which had a huge effect on their four children. Ever spent time in a tiny house with two miserable people? Try doing it for twenty years.

    The religion breaks up marriages.  Or rather because of its divorce rules it makes couples stay together who are desperately miserable and ruins precious childhood years. You like this religion? You know nothing.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Many statements in the OP are clearly based on ignorance, I'll just drop to the end.

    So hats off to Witnesses because they mean goodness not harm.

    The Bible says that the blood of dead animals should be poured out and not eaten. No clear punishment was expressed for violations. Offenders who were clearly stated as eating blood were not put to death. In the NT, the command to abstain from blood was placed alongside abstain from things sacrificed to idols--something Paul explained was a conscience (don't ask, don't tell) matter. The closest to any consequence of eating blood in the OT was that one should wash and be ceremonially unclean until the evening.


    Jehovah's Witnesses teach that one must die rather than accept medically transfused blood from a living donor. Many JWs, including minor children and new mothers, have died needlessly because they followed this misguided and unscriptural teaching of WT Corporation.

    So if someone is impressed by how well-dressed JWs are and how well-behaved their children are, know that there is a deadly price that goes along with the WT belief system. I'm horrified to look back at the years that I was a JW and carried the "Death Card" in my wallet because I believed the lies of WT.

    That is not "good". It is extremely "harmful".

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