JW references in movies

by stichione 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joker10

    Some shows reffering JWs a couple of times: The Simpsons, The X-Files, The Practice, Living Single, Married... with Children, Malcolm in the Middle, The Guardian.

  • Panda

    since jw's turn up in so many places of Stephen Kings work, well I wonder how he came in contact with them?

  • Joker10

    This is scene is from the movie 'Kick-Ass" (in theaters now). Hit-Girl and Kick-Ass fly over New York.

  • JimmyPage

    The recent movie about the Notorious B.I.G. had references to his being brought up by a JW mom... it even showed a copy of the NWT.

  • cantleave

    Family Guy - the monkey in the closets becomes a Jehovah's Witness - freaking hillarious!

  • NomadSoul

    The Perfect Host (2010).

    Bank robber is trying to find first aid kits for his injury that he sustained. The first home he gets to he sees a sign that says "Jehovah is with me". So he tries to convince the lady that lives there to let him in so he can clean himself up. He tells her he's a follower of Jehovah. The lady is savy enough to catch his lying by asking him about the cross and christmas.

    After he fails he moves on to the next house, where the movie really starts...

  • 00DAD

    In the John Grisham movie, The Rainmaker, starring Danny DeVito and Matt Damon there is a reference. Matt Damon plays a two-bit, greenhorn lawyer. He goes up to some woman's house to talk to her about legal issues. He is wearing a cheap suit and has a beat up old briefcase in his hand. After he knocks on the door she comes up and says something to the effect that she has mistaken him as a JW.

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