PASSION of the Christ

by myownsaviorthankyoumuch 60 Replies latest social entertainment

  • ignored_one


    Meant that url is a new one as the old one was taken down.


    Ignored One.

  • wednesday

    well it occured to my hubby and i that perhaps Mel was using some common christian homophobia to represent Satan. Maybe we are both off, but both my hubby and i thought so.

    One thing for sure, the person who played Satan looked creepy to us. And the baby , almost had a snout(sp) like a pig. Evil looking thing.

  • Tatiana

    My opinion is that the woman playing Lucifer was supposed to be androgynous. As per the Bible stating that God and the angels are neither male nor female. I didn't get a homosexual slant at all. The baby was creepy, though. I'd like to have that explained.

    I bought popcorn and a soda too. It sat on the floor the entire time, untouched.

    Now, I wish he'd make a movie about Lazarus. That would be awesome!

  • LyinEyes

    I agree Tat,,,,,,,maybe he/she Satan was androgynous, that would make sense.

    After this movie and the success at the box office , people's reactions.......there will probably be more Bible based movies.......maybe a new Ten Commandments. That was so classic and well done, I dont see anyone topping that one.

  • mpatrick

    I just got back from seeing this movie and all I can say is I hated it. I hated everything about it...I quit watching the movie once they made it to the mountain. I thought the flogging was way too graphic and I wasn't up for watching any more gore. I didn't shed a tear because it made me so angry. If I hadn't been with a friend I would have walked out. If I had any glimpse of faith in God before (not saying I did) then it is definitely gone now. To say we are made in God's image and then watch the "son of God" be tortured like that is ludicrious to me.

  • SixofNine

    yep mpatrick. The whole idea that this would somehow show humans that God "loves" us, is patently ridiculous. That's not love, it's pathological.

    To quote Keb Mo:

    I don't know what it is
    But that's not love

    This is for real
    It ain't no game
    You can't measure your love
    By the depths of your pain

  • WildHorses
    I did not think that Satan in this movie was a female, or woman,,,,the voice was a mans, the hands were a mans,,,,the face looked femine to me thou, but not necessarly a woman.......the shaved eyebrows , pale face, delicate features, blue eyes, maybe that is why .

    The Bible does say that Satan was a beautiful Angel. Maybe this is why made to look feminine? Haven't you ever seen a guy so good looking that they look feminine?

  • SixofNine
    Haven't you ever seen a guy so good looking that they look feminine?

    You mean like Willem Dafoe?

  • myownsaviorthankyoumuch

    what is it with you people who cant grip that satan was PORTRAYED by a female actress???? geez, no need to read into it that deeply . . . .on the baby being carried by satan, it was a taunt on satan's behalf, im not getting how that isnt clear, granted that it wasnt a passage in the bible, or for that matter in any of the "accepted" gospels, that scene just played on the idea that satan taunted jesus throughout his life, for crying out loud i havent touched a bible in almost a decade and i still remember that jesus was tempted several times while in the dessert, Mr. Gibson used his directing power to insinuate that the devil was constantly taunting jesus throughout the years that he was on earth doing god's will, right up until the moment of his death, and he failed miserably, thus the cry of despair in the next to final scene after jesus' death, the fact that it was a child in his arms, again was a taunt, jesus seemed to be energized whenever he saw his mary, by carying a child it was like "look i have a child, and look its safe in my arms, and look at how your mother is suffering watching you suffer," c'mon people its the devil here, not a nice person supposedly, he was kicking him when he was down so to speak and was doing all in his power to make jesus slip and not carry out his "duty"

  • myownsaviorthankyoumuch

    six, im gonna have to agree with you on that, no loving god would put anyone through all that, much less his own "blood", im sure someone who designed galaxies would have a more intellectual approach to saving humanity,--- if indeed it was necessary to do so --- than putting his "only begotten" through so much pain so that we would be saved from our so called "sins", seems like a whole lot of mythology to me,

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