Going out tonight??

by Puternut 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Puternut

    Ok, it's the weekend.

    You're bored at home, you want to go have some fun. Talk to someone, have some laughs, perhaps dance. You go out, walk into a place, and spot this drop dead gorgeous person, and you know they're not with someone. You start to walk up to the them and you get a little nervous, you loose your thougths, make a slight detour to collect your thoughts......................

    What have you said in the past, that worked well for you? I want some real experiences here. I know the web has many pages with 'pickup' lines. But that's not what I am looking for, so please don't copy and paste those here.

    Just curious to see some interesting, opening words......

    Ladies feel free to join in, it's not just a man's world here anymore


    I'll tell you mine a few posts down the line....

  • DanTheMan

    I've never had the nerve to go to a bar by myself. Crap, I don't even know which bars in my city are the ones where singles go to mingle.

  • sandy

    Whenever a guy hits on me he gets absolutely nowhere if he gives me a cheesy or line. I like honest down to earth guys.

    All a guy has to say to me is "Hi. How are you?" I am a very down to earth person and I don't like playing head games. I expect the same from men.

  • simplesally

    Here's one that DOESN'T work:

    When a guy crooks his finger and says, "Come on over here."

    Well, actually it did work..... I looked at him from across the bar with a "are you out of your mind?" look and said no. He sent a drink, I drank it. He again said, "Come over here." (he was with some other friends) and I again looked at him like he was crazy and then started talking to the guys next to me.....

    He came over to me. We dated for quite a while......wanted to move in together but then I started studying with JW's.

  • Purple

    I go out every weekend and its not a problem I have encountered. Tell me though why does it has to be a drop dead georgous girl? Why is it that we are judged on looks alone. Surely friendships go deeper than looks? I have met some of these drop dead georgus people and they are totally boring people. Talk to them about anything other than themselves and their looks and they have nothing to say!

    Maybe if we all stopped being influenced by the media and looked for a real person we wouldnt have to worry about all the subterfuge we go through just to say hello and meet someone! Whats wrong with going up to say hi would you like a dance? Men in Adelaide apparently wont go ask someone for a dance the woman has to approach the man. So next weekend I am going to take the bull by the horns and ask someone to dance. I will go up to them and say hi, wanna dance? If anything develops from there that will be great but it wont be becasue of some cheesy pick up line that most girls recoil from anyway!

  • simplesally

    Purple, I don't think that the point of the post is how someone looks......its about what is the ice-breaker question.

    Even if Puter wants to say " a drop dead gorgeous person" well.......beauty to one is ugly to another and vice versa.........so whatever it is that attracts one to another is attractive.

  • reboot

    Wish guys could tell the difference between 'friendly' and 'I want you'....... we can....

    .I had hassle from a guy this afternoon..he kept throwing me lines like'I feel like i've known you all my life' and 'I can't believe I feel so close to you'..' wish I could tell you how I feel' he was so loud everyone in the cafe at college heard, I was so embarassed, and he's married......I just thought we were being friendly...sheesh.... i've spoken to him 5 times in total !!!!!!

    .....thats when I develop internal tourettes syndrome...lol .......the things that come out of my mouth sound quite polite but inside my head i'm shouting; 'F%**********####*****??~~*^%%"****@@**********>

  • Puternut

    Well that is just the point I was trying make, if people are still concerned about saying the right thing. I was just curious to see how many were trying too hard. Too many people worry about it. I don't believe there's such a thing. If it's not natural, than it won't be. I feel honesty and just being yourself is the key in finding other people. If there's an attraction to someone, and that will be different for everyone, you should just be yourself. If you find someone interesting, but you are not, than the best opening words will not accompish anything. The reason I posted this, because a friend of mine had this discussion with me, and wanted to know what to say. I told him just be yourself, and he was frightened and didn't know what to do. So the opportunity slipped him by. I just thought it was funny.


  • seeitallclearlynow

    Puter, I have no idea what to say to anyone besides "Hello" but I like looking at the darling, very happy, secure little boy in your picture (looks like you) and I wonder if you remember the Kodak Moment that produced this oh-so-perfect photo?

  • FlyingHighNow

    A bar is the last place I would be looking for someone. Chances of hooking up with an alcoholic or person with a drinking problem is way too high.

    Let's see, the last time I hooked up with someone I asked: what's up in here today? He told me,"Nothing much happening, it's pretty boring." I said, "Then we'll just have to rev things up." He figured that meant I was going to start acting lewd or something. Instead I just got everyone talking about the toys they played with as kids, their skates, bikes, etc. We talked about what we could buy for a quarter and a penny in the 60s and 70s and talked oldies music trivia. I got everybody laughing and having a good time with his help.

    I'm happy to say that things went very well. We became good friends and supported each other through some stressful life events. We fell in love and are still together to this day.


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