The Effeminate JW man

by Maverick 46 Replies latest social relationships

  • stillajwexelder

    There seems to be an even higher proportion of effeminate Male JWs at Bethel -- New York, Toronto, London and Australian branches -- I am lucky I have a reasonably powerful voice and I also drink bourbon straight up (well a small splash of water)

  • Maverick

    I also saw a lot of the brothers who were very mild and whimpy at the hall, who had reputations for being abusive at home to both the wife and kids. Some Brothers put on a great show of the mild and quiet spirit in full view of others not unlike the Pharisee. Most of the CO's I came to know were of this class. Maverick

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    When I was in Bethel I knew of a couple of really gay guys. They wore crisp clean pants and shirts, they had a shuffle in their walk, wing tips loafers with the tassles! I generally kept away from these guys and just said hello,goodbye.

  • gespro

    OH MY GOOMESS!!!!!!!

    40 posted THE MARK!!!!!!!!


  • Maverick

    Hi gespro! Can I ask you something? "What the heck as you talking about?" Maverick, don't make me come to your house!!!!

  • SixofNine
    I also drink bourbon straight up (well a small splash of water)


  • Carmel

    We were a family of big guys. I was one of the smaller at 6'3" and over 225 lb. BUT, we were indoctrinated that any acts of fighting would diminish our chances with the selective service if we objected to military duty. Man the times I wanted to pound some jerk but knew it would come back to haunt me. Once I left the dubbies, I only had one confrontation and I didn't hesitate to give the turkey his due. So maybe some of the dubbie guys you knew were inhibited by the same concept...oh wait, there is no draft board anymore,,,silly me!

    carmel lisping

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    So, if I would kick some ass, drink my whiskey straight, and hit on the chicks, then I'm a real man?

    You guys crack me up.

    I will stipulate that the WTS does noting to support men OR women to experience their wholeness as men or women, or as leaders... but how little that has to do with masculine stereotypes, I can't even tell you on a db...

    I seem to be a wussy proto-fag in your estimation, guys (like toughness has jack sh!t to do with homosexuality, btw - you dopes) but just because I don't pick fights, I don't pay women to dance on the pole, and I don't drink the hard stuff unless it's in a margarita, has nothing to do with my masculinity or lack therof.

  • Insomniac

    Why, if a man is effeminate, do we assume that he is gay? I know lots of guys, straight, gay, and bi, and there is no rule they follow. By this I mean, some of the straight guys are kinda quiet and sensitive, some of the gay guys are macho, a couple fit the stereotypes. My dear friend Eddie is a tough, macho, redneck mofo who drinks Guinness and watches football, and has a boyfriend.

    Sorry, I know I'm getting preachy again, but it's just not true that effeminate=gay, or macho=straight.

  • Euphemism

    Phantom Stranger beat me to the punch.

    First off, let me say that I have known a significant number of JW men--especially men raised in very controlling JW families--whose personalities were severly repressed. These men only expressed themselves in the 'accepted' way... which basically meant talking like a Watchtower. Maybe that's the sort of person you had in mind.

    But if your definition of manliness is drinking beer, playing baseball, and being able to throw a mean punch, I'll tell you that most of the JW men I knew could do all of those just fine.

    Of course, if that's your definition, it sounds like your idea of a manly man is Homer Simpson.

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