The Effeminate JW man

by Maverick 46 Replies latest social relationships

  • Maverick

    Time to pick on the guys! I was an adult when I was conned into the Corporate cult known as Jehovahs Witnesses. Before that time I hung with a rough crowd of guys who carried guns and did bad things to people they didn't like, or who were stupid enough to let these guys know they disliked them. I was a trusted member of this group. I'll never tell what that took.

    When I started to be endoctrinated by the J-duds I notice that a lot of the men were real mild and soft spoken. Now that is not a bad trait, and some of the badest men I've ever known hardly ever raised their voices....they didn't have to. But with the duds these guys were kinda faggy. I am not trying to offend anyone but that's what I thought at the time. There did seem to be a disproportionate number of effeminate men running around the K-dum Hall. I was always considered kinda rough around the edges because I never adopted this demeanor. I'm the kind of guy that would call a brother up or go by his home and have a little chat with him if I felt he slighted me. I was rarely rude, I honestly felt it was the loving thing to do. If I have a problem with someone go and set the matter straight...right? And being a little guy I took no crap from anyone and would get right in a young mans face if he pushed me. Picnics were always interesting.

    So did any of you get the impression that the JWs are kinda emasculated? Maverick

  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    I can't wait for some of the women to comment on this one...

    No, I never got that feeling.

  • Love_Truth
    I did run into a few, though very few, who were effeminate. There was one guy, who was a male nurse (surprise) who had a book study at his house. He had all the effeminate characteristics, limp wrist, lisp, etc.
    That's the only one I can think of that was blatant, although there were more who were suspicious. Most were pretty normal, other than the typical JW abnormal areas of behaviour.
    Maybe it's a regional thing?

    Now, if we're talkin' emasculated, yes, I'd say there were many more of those.

  • avishai
    some of the badest men I've ever known hardly ever raised their voices....they didn't have to.

    That was the kind of guy my dad was. He dragged a guy out side and quietly kicked his ass for wifebeating, right after my dad gave the public talk.

    But I know the type. I know some who ARE gay, but they don't "practice the lifestyle". Sad. Not that gay guys can't be bad-ass too. Iv'e known several, effeminate and not, that I'd never cross.

  • franklin J
    franklin J


    Stud boy....

    What you are forgetting is that all these young JW guys need to get layed----and often. AND THEY ARE NOT GETTING ANY. Not if they are single ( at least they are not supposed to)

    It makes a big difference on your outlook ( not to mention your swagger)

    Frank ( of the " I had to wait until I was 22 to get layed class")

  • FlyingHighNow
    It makes a big difference on your outlook ( not to mention your swagger)

    You may have something here. So that's why Andy has such a sexy & masculine swagger.

    Maverick, I do agree that the brothers don't act in a natural way. I don't know if I would call it effeminate. I did know some who were effeminate but...what I saw was a lot of brothers who were on the defensive all the time about their dominant status. "I am too the boss! You aren't behaving woman.You aren't letting me be the boss. Or in the case of the elder, "You aren't behaving brother/sister.You aren't being subordinate."

    It's as if the society has called into question something that should never be an issue to a man: whether he is boss or not. Men shouldn't wander around all day or lie in bed at night worrying whether or not they are dominant and whether their wives, children and the publishers in the cong are being in subjection. They should just be the wonderful creatures that they are. Most of us women like a strong, confident man who doesn't beat us over the head with his bossiness. When a man tries too hard to prove he is dominant or that he's the boss, it's just sad and laughable. Just be your natural selves and allow your confidence to grow healthy and strong. We like you better that way.


  • shotgun

    Read what J.F Rutherford said about Effeminate men in 1931 Maverick

    "The women make monkeys or dupes of men. The men have become effeminate, soft and easily influenced and have lost their real manhood and sturdiness in the affairs of state and home. For instance, when men are sitting at a table and a woman approaches, all the men arise and pay her homage and thereby elevate her to a place above men. The men remove their hats upon entering an elevator, if a woman is present; and these things are said to be acts of respect and to show that man is a gentleman. But it is subtle, and the real meaning is much different from that. It is a scheme of Satan to turn men away from God and from his announced rule of the proper position of man and woman. The Lord has declared that no effeminate man shall inherit the kingdom of heaven (I Corinthians 6:9). This proves that the scheme or habit of paying homage to women is not of God, but from the great enemy of God. It is a veneer of being a proper thing, and therefore it is more subtle than otherwise." (Vindication, Volume I, pp. 155-157)
  • new light
    new light

    I've noticed the same thing, but it was rarely what I would call effeminate. Sheeplike is more like it. The boy who is born and raised and sticks with it has been oppressed and stunted. The outsider that comes in tends to be weak-willed on his own. Highly-driven individuals are incompatible with WTBTS, unless they are driven toward theocratic goals. Just my $.02.

  • Valis

    I knew a guy like that! His name was Martin McComas...he was a total wussy Bethel boy. We would have to watch his stupid slide shows when he came home for a visit...He ended up marrying some girl from Mexico he could barely talk to....pathetic...


    District Overbeer

  • shotgun

    Valis you think a guy is pathetic for marrying a woman who he can't understand?

    Talk to most married men and you'll find within a year of marriage they can't understand their wife either!

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