Things That Piss You Off

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • shotgun

    Aggressive drivers who cut other people off to move one car length or arrive 2 minutes sooner......

  • Nosferatu

    The band "The Tragically Hip"
    My ex-fiance
    Cat vomit
    Cable TV
    Annoying radio commercials
    Quality of MP3s

  • orangefatcat

    what pisses me off

    parents who slap their kids to stop them from crying

    parents who slap their kids for no reason whatsoever.

    parents who treat their children as slaves

    pedophiles and those who protect them

    people don't talk or say good morning when you get in an elevator

    not opening the door for someone who has packages or kids in their hands.

    people who think they know more than anyone else

    people who don't wash their hands after going to the washroom

    people who insist that they should be first

    teenagers who have additudes

    teenagers who jaw on gum a mile high in thier mouth

    people who talk with food in their mouth




    people who think life owe them a living

    people who are lazy bastards


    party crashers

    putting the toothpaste lid on part way and it oozes out.


    senoir citzens who think that the younger generation are stupid

    I guess I will leave it at this for now.

    Love Orangefatcat...OrangeFatCat 15

  • Xena

    people who use all 50 of their posts in 24 hours telling other people to get a life

    people who tell me I don't know what I want or like

    people who take the last cookie and leave the bag so when you go to get one you are disappointed

  • freelife

    People who make big deals about little things.

    People who are hypocrites

    People who impose their idea of what is right onto others free will

    mindless clones

  • Pleasuredome

    driving to london

    hearing the same music in every bar

    birmingham city fc

    tv programmes about house sales/improvements/bargain hunts

  • Valis



    District Overbeer

  • MegaDude


    When you wake up from your 15-year stoned binge, you can get on a list in Texas where telemarketers are forbidden to call you. It works really well.

    Yours in soberness,


  • Elsewhere

    Comcast telephone solicitors!!!!!!

    Them fckers call me every fcking month trying to get my to buy their service!!!!!!! They always shutup real fast when I tell them that I already have their service!!!

  • caligirl

    Miserable ex husbands/wives who's lives are so pathetic that they have to continue to try to cause problems long after everything is final and use the kids to do it.

    Other things that bug me are mostly pet peeves and only piss me off when I am really hormonal, so they don't bear mentioning here.

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