Lap Dancing

by Pleasuredome 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Pleasuredome

    a friend of mine gave me a free ticket to a lap dance club tonight, and ive just got back from there. its the first time i've ever been to one so i was intrigued as to what it was all about. after going there i dont know what to make of it. i always felt there was something a bit sad about people paying for porn, and i guess i feel the same way about this. i do have an interest in dance, as i do salsa myself, so it was good to see the firls dancing around the pole, but i certainly wasnt interested in having my own private naked dancer in the back room, although a few of the girls were tempting. after this i wont be going to another one.

    what are your feelings about this sort of thing?

  • Uzzah
    so it was good to see the firls dancing around the pole, but i certainly wasnt interested in having my own private naked dancer in the back room, although a few of the girls were tempting.

    A little advice.... Pay less attention to the firls and more attention to the girls.

    Uzzah - who triple checked his own spelling this time

  • Valis

    I love strip clubs. They aren't for everyone, but can be a naughty distraction... I try to go w/a set amount of cash and that's it! Otherwise I would be screwed for the rest of the month...*LOL*


    District Overbeer of the "Pro Lap Dance" faction

  • Pleasuredome
    A little advice.... Pay less attention to the firls and more attention to the girls.

    lol, you know what its like when you've had afew beers!

  • orangefatcat

    lValis, my oh my and your the Circuit Overbeer, just wait until I tell the District Overbeer. What do you think will happen to you dude. Bad To The BoneShe Devil

    Valis you are one sweet dude, and I also am bad to the core as I like to go to strip clubs and watch all the nudies. To me it is a beautiful work of art. Our human bodies that is.

    Well next time you go give me a ring and I will join you.

    Love OrangefatcatOrangeFatCat 15Bad To The Bone Devil 4
    Animated Hearts

  • maxwell

    I feel its cool for those who like that sort of thing. I haven't been to a lap dance type club. All of the strip clubs in DC and Northern Virginia are strictly no touch by law. I've been to a few but it didn't interest me enough to be a regular visitor. I might like to try a lap dance club at least once, but I think I'd have to go up to Baltimore for that.

  • Puternut

    It's basically a let down, if you get lapdances. They get you all worked up, and there ain't nothing you can do about it. You are not allowed to touch them, though they are all over you. I have seen a few people have 'an accident', and it's embarrasing for them to have to walk out with stains on their pants.

    I have been in the past been to a few clubs just for the heck of it, I was just out of the borg, and I couldn't care less then. The stage shows can be fun and entertaining, but it's an ugly world with heavy drugs, and crime. I prefer not to hang out in these places. I did find it interesting to see other JW's there at times though. Goes to show you that they are sneaking out late at night, when their wives aren't suspecting it.


  • ambush23

    i agree that strip clubs arent 4 every 1, but would make a damm fine setting for a public talk.

    sin-cerely ambush,

    of the circut over-rear class

  • gitasatsangha
    what are your feelings about this sort of thing?

    . Pretty much every strip club in the town I live in has VIP rooms. Some of the clubs offer lap dances, in one or two of the clubs, lap dance is just a keyword for something extra. It has a function. The girls get paid well, and are much safer in the club then they would be hooking on the street. Also there is less chance they will be harassed by pimps or law enforcement. What I don't like is a club where one of these dancers hangs on to you like a leech, even if you aren't into her, scaring off someone you might be more intereted, and basically ruining the show's view. It's pretty much gotten me disinterested in going anymore.

  • Winston Smith :>D
    Winston Smith :>D
    i do salsa myself, so it was good to see the firls dancing around the pole,

    what are your feelings about this sort of thing?

    I'd love to learn how to Salsa!

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