Incense Burning - Geez, These Guys Have a Rule For Everything!

by worldlygirl 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gitasatsangha

    it's for the benefit of our Ozzie snd Kiwi Brothers and Sisters

  • cyber-sista

    gitasat...I agree.

    I have just recently left after 20 +years and it really seemed to me that they were pushing so many over the edge with more and more extreme views and what seemed like senile reasoning on everything--everything was seeming to be more and more out of wack. The summer before last was the last assembly I attended with my daughter (she is out now too) She looked at me half way through the assembly and said something along the lines of "you know if you didn't have any background in this it would make no sense at all." There was a lot of ranting and raving going on--it really felt like the GB was tighting the belt on everything. The young people were especially attacked for absolutely everything that any normal young person might want to do. There was a major push for pioneers and bethel workers--anything else in life was viewed as a waste of time. I felt upset and unsettled during the whole program. I think it was suffering from some major spiritual indigestion. Maybe it would help if I go burn some incense to calm me......

  • gitasatsangha

    I like to burn incense too.

  • trumangirl

    Cyber-Sista! Your experience at the assembly was so similar to mine it's freaky! The assembly programmes became so obnoxious for all the reasons you stated and plus some. At the last circuit assembly in our area, there was zero baptismal candidates.

    The last assembly I went too last year, I went to half a morning session (and I was late) with my daughter (who didn't want to come). I think it was a special assembly day (as opposed to a normal assembly day). There were lots of experiences - people getting on stage and blowing their own trumpet. It was announced that after the song, we were going to hear from some youths who were doing well. I knew I was going to feel if I stayed any longer, so I whispered to my daughter "let's go ay?". She didn't argue. We walked to the car giggling our heads off. I knew that was the last one I would attend.

  • astridkittie

    Did anyone notice their reference to John 4:24?

    is a spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth."

  • Cicatrix

    I have just recently left after 20 +years and it really seemed to me that they were pushing so many over the edge with more and more extreme views and what seemed like senile reasoning on everything--everything was seeming to be more and more out of wack. You hit the nail on the head, Cyber-sista! The last time I set foot in a Kingdom Hall, I had an all out panic attack. After I was in a car accident that totalled my car, my doctor and physical therapist perscribed yoga exercises to help me recover. I bought a tape in another town and did them. It was the only thing that brought me any kind of pain relief for a long time. Not surprisingly, when I made the decision to leave the organisation, my pain level dropped about 50%. Isn't funny how they continually use 1 Cor. 10:26 to make it look as though they are giving their members some kind of choice? Conscience matter, yeah, right.

  • LyinEyes

    This will be air fresheners. No joke a pioneer elder told my Mother in Law that she should take down her car air freshener because it said "Indian Spirit" on it. That is the brand name!!!!!!!

    It was Vanilla scented..........gesssssssshhh!! Shaped like a freggin' pine tree.

    I guess the word "Spirit" in the product's name might invite demons into the car while they were out in field service using up all of my MIL's gas..........

  • Sunnygal41

    VALIS!!! LOL! "Stupid heads!"

    I concur heartily!

    Terri, of the glad she's not a banana stroker like Valis Class!

  • LyinEyes

    I also have a feeling this could be the next Smurf scandle.............throw out your Hello Kittys, kitty's dont wear hair bows.....oh my. Or maybe CareBares..........those bears don't represent love, care, kindness, etc.......they are satantic symbols that mean something eles.........didnt you know....??

    Oh no , she has on a mini skirt!!

    this one is most surely not the "pure language"!!

  • GermanXJW

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