by new light 33 Replies latest jw experiences

  • slipnslidemaster
    Tell your boss you've been gravely stumbled by them contacting him and (by implication) threatening your employment. Tell him that upset you so much, you refuse to talk to them. Then tell him you're consulting a labor attorney. He'll get the message that if he gives you crap about your religious affiliation as an employer he's liable.

    Then do it!

    Good idea, but before you do it, make sure you DOCUMENT everything, even if you just jot down notes. Make sure you have dates and times. Keep all messages, letters, etc. Oh and start looking for another job. It ain't gonna turn out good no matter what you do...

  • Xandria

    Bill Collectors can only contact your boss to leave a message. Not discuss your personal matters with them.Fair Debt and Credit Practices.. look them up. Lest you can sue them, for disclosure of personal information. Same with, this being a personal matter it doesn't belong in the work place.. lest it be taken as religious persecution, even harassment.


  • peacefulpete

    I doubt there is any case here, as the employer has a relationship with the church and therefore simple communication thro him is not harrassment. was not told confidential matters. Also we have no evidence of the elders using that relationship to threaten or end your employment. IF however your employer even attempts to discuss religious matters at work or on phone HE is in danger of being guilty of harassment by virtue of his authoriy over you at the workplace and his relationshipwith the church.

    BTW one poster early on thought that they had to meet with her in person to be DFd, this is not true. The letter handed you requesting your presence is sufficient for them to proceed without you. Being hand delivered or registered the letter is deemd contact. By you not appearing they interpret that as your lack of defence and they can proceed with evidence they have to make a ruling. It is entirely up to the bunch of elders as to how they want to handle it.

  • Xena

    If it were me I would probably tell my boss I was sorry to see him put in this situation by those brothers and that I was sure he was fully aware of how unprofessional and unloving it was of them. I would then absolve him of any further involvement by saying I will contact the brothers when and if I am ever ready to talk to them... stressing that ultimately it is my decision as to whether or not I want to talk to them and has nothing to do with him or my work.

  • Elsewhere

    Regarding the personal info and creditors... aren't there laws regarding "clergy privilege" that prevent clergy from revealing private information? You know... the same laws that the WTS uses to protect child molesters.

    By telling your employer such information they blatantly violated your Clergy Privilege.

    I'd talk to a lawyer.

  • new light
    new light

    Talked with the boss today. We both agreed it was wrong for anyone to contact him about my business. He promised to stop hounding me, actually seeming afraid I was going to quit. It looks like business is back to being just that, without any talk of religion. Thank you everyone for your concern and good advice.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    My first and best advice is to head ot a doctor to get a diagnosis of depression, until you decide what you want to do. That'll hold them off for several moons. Depression excuses you from lots of things.


  • mann377

    When one becomes a JW they don't realize what being in the spiritual paradise hostage is. When a person is being held hostage there are ways to counter their tactics. It would be good for the members of this board to develope a plan for dealing with this situation. I for one would never play by their (WTBS) rules that are stacked against you. Play by your own rules and watch your back, do not trust anyone that is loyal to the WTBS.

  • Sunspot

    ***When one becomes a JW they don't realize what being in the spiritual paradise hostage is.***

    It boggles the mind to realize just what implications this entails! EVERY movement is scrutinized---or SUBJECT to that form of scrutiny---it's disgusting and unfair!

    People like to think that they are responsible for their lives, their actions and their decisions---but WE know the consequences of "displeasing Jehovah"-- I mean, the WTS--and the feeling of always being under a microscope burns deep.

    Glad to hear that the problem was worked out so nicely, New Light!!! [YAY!!!]



  • freein89

    GET A LAWYER, I think you should have a legitimate lawsuit here. Those freaking B@#456&S have no right. You don't have to talk to the elders, as you said, you are a grown man and I am pretty sure we don't have any religious police here. Between this and poor Arrowstar, I am hoppin mad. I hope I don't run into any JW's today, cuz they would get an earfull !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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