What if satan were to change?

by robhic 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • gumby
    For thousand of years, it has been written down that satan will be thrown into the abyss along with his minions

    For thousands of years other idiots have taught similar stories that sound just like the one in the bible. If people are braindead enough to believe these stories as I did most of my life, then I guess they'll have to live with this fear of displeasing god for the rest of their lives. I'm glad I took another look at this matter and found out what I did.


  • Satanus

    Must be why armageddon didn't come in 1975. W satan refusing to cooperate, we'll never get there.


  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    How you been SS?

  • Satanus

    Good, mr kim. It's been busy too. Thanks for stopping by again.


  • Tatiana
    If Satan leads this world, surely he knows what being "on strike" means!

    He sits on his hands - and the Watchtower is, once again, proved to be a fase


    What if Satan has been sitting on his hands for a long time already? Are WE the ones capable of all the evil in the world? Weren't we made in God's image? What does that say about his creation?

  • Valis

    O would be pissed, because as an advocate I would have to learn all new stuff, downgrade my skills and be nice for a freakin change...sheesh...stupid dieties..


    District Overbeer

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Proof! Proof and Proof! What is wrong with proof? Right?

    About Satan you say?

    "Divulge only as much information as necessary to elicit the reaction you need."

    Mr. Kim

  • Golf

    Sorry, it's to late, 'he sold his soul to the Devil!'

    Guest 77

  • Sirona

    I'm sure Satan doesn't give a shit about what happens in future. He's par-tey-ying and then will just be blinked out of existence. Doesn't sound that bad.


  • funkyderek

    Satan shouldn't be too unhappy. After all, he's going to win the bet. Most humans throughout history have failed to live up to YHWH's requirements, which is apparently what the bet was about. YHWH of course is going to destroy Satan and all those who followed him (whether they meant to or not) and pretend that He won. Satan will be the moral victor though.

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