Gender Lines

by Mysterygirl 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Mysterygirl

    I have just finished reading a book called Gender Outlaw. In this book the righter has an opion that gender is based on "moden life" rather then the "human form", ie do you look, act, talk and have the package of a male or female in your current state and even life upbringing - or were we born male or female and that is that.

    If we look, act and talk and even have the package of the gender that we insist that we are, does that mean we are male or female ( I say that I am a woman, I have the package of a woman, I look like a woman and I talk like a woman, my drives licence and birth certificate say that Im a woman) So what am I ???

    The reason that I am asking this is, I had a visit from a elder (that I have never meet before)and he was talking about my transexuality and the reason I was Dfs. He agreed with my above coment, I asked if there would ever be any chance that I could be reninstated? His answer at this time was not untill I revert back to being a male. Thing is I was never a full male to start with I was born "Hermaphodite" and never had the complete package of a male.

    So I ask the Question to the readers

    I have the package that a woman has, I look like a women, I talk like a women, my birth certificate say Im a woman, SO WHAT AM I????

    Any answers please

  • ApagaLaLuz

    Hi Mystery....... it seems I missed your original posts. Welcome!!!! I think you truely have a unique story compared to the most of us.

    You bring up a very good point with this post. I believe the SOCIETY that you live in dictates much of the person (regardless of gender) and rules, and religion that we follow. Society has evolved so much, yet the fundamentals of human instinct and behavior havent.

    I remember a talk given at a District Convention several years that defined the roles of the male and female genders. It said that women learn how to become women and men learn how to become men, but that today's society was blurring the two. I do not believe this. Even Prince, in an interview said that one thing he liked about the witnesses was that they defined the roles of males and females. Although one could argue that practically most any "traditional, Christian" religion sets molds and guidlelines for the role of males and females.

    How very interesting it must have been for you growing up. I'm glad you are settling in to you identity and are much happier now. The JWs like to portray those who are DFd as having sad, pathetic, unfulfilled lives. For most of us on this board, that just is not so.

    p.s. it's not up to others to tell you "what" you are. YOU know who you are already :)

  • Joyzabel


    (welcome to the board)

    why do you rely on the opinion of non-medical people who barely have a high-school education?


  • cruzanheart
    not untill I revert back to being a male

    What an idiot! Welcome to the board, by the way.


  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight

    Hi Mystery,

    It's good to hear from you.

    I personally believe that gender is a function of biology although gender roles do tend to be definied by the society we live in.

    I also believe we are a combination of both genders to a degree. Although in most people one of the genders is more dominant. So the gender we usually assoicate with is the more dominant one within us.

    Do you associate with one gender more than another, i.e. you feel like a woman, or you feel like a man??

    Cheers D.K.

  • ApagaLaLuz
    why do you rely on the opinion of non-medical people who barely have a high-school education?

    Something tells me, her whole outlook on life DOESNT rely on the opinion of non-medical people who barely have a high-school education. I for one think it's a VERY interesting topic.

    Chevy, of the graduated high-school early and barely graduated college class :)

  • Mysterygirl

    The elder and my self were just having a conversation and as he agreed with my views on gender, I thought that I could get him to see the silly ways that the Jws think. He just put his own feeling aside and told me what the Organisation says

    Bit shallow if you ask me

  • Cicatrix

    A woman, and they are treating as they treat most women in their organization

    Welcome aboard, by the way

  • nilfun

    "I had a visit from a elder" <-- I think these are the "non-medical" barely highschool edjumacated folks Joyzabel was talkin' bout...

  • nilfun

    I think, LoL.

    But yeah, the elders (even edjumacated ones) are just way out of their scope most of the time IMHO.

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