In Praise of BLONDIE

by minimus 57 Replies latest jw friends

  • acsot

    Blondie's the best !

    I do hope I get to meet her one of these days.

  • Sassy

    I agree with everyone's comments.. Blondie is always supportive, informative and a joy to have on the board!

  • cyberguy

    I second that motion, minimus. Make sure I sign all the paper work after the meeting, regarding your resolution. Rememeber having to "second" a motion at the hall? What was that all about? --hehe

  • Maverick

    I have a real weakness for intelligent, strong women. Tall too! How tall are you Blondie? You don't have to answer, I know your married, and as a gentleman I know to never go there! Maverick

  • Blueblades

    Blueblades is still camping outside the book store, first on line for Blondie's "Commentary's You Will Not Hear" book soon to be published.I'm ordering the first 100 books to mail to the Governing Body, then all the other organization affilliated with them.Watchtower farms, Paterson, Wallkill, Branches, etc.

    Need I say more!Blondie has proven Jesus right and the society wrong, when he said, "Out of your own mouths you have condemned yourselves." Blondie has used the society's own words to prove all that she has written in her Commmentaries.

  • minimus

    I propose that we have a "Questions To Blondie" (like a Question From Readers) to see how quickly she can answer a question.

  • Pistoff

    As I have said before........Blondie rocks hard like early Van Halen!!

  • simplesally

    Blondie who?

  • minimus

    Hush your mouth Simplesally! You're being a bad girl again, aren'tcha?

  • Irreverent

    I think that Blondie is pretty smart and would make a good wife.

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