I know it's out of character, but I have a sex question for the ladies...

by logansrun 46 Replies latest social relationships

  • copsec

    Toned abs are always nice!

  • darkuncle29

    Pat -
    Why do you say "oh s**t,"

    'Cuz Dark Uncle raised him from an infant! But don't tell him that because he hasn't come to terms with it, yet!


  • imallgrowedup


    It was not my intention to insult you! Please know that! I know that you are openly gay, and I respect that about you! I only made the comment because of this line:

    I think it was, that we are attracted pretty much to the type of person we were around most up to age 5.

    Since I know Bradley isn't gay, I was trying to give him a tough time! I am constantly trying to "bug" Bradley because he is so good at "bugging" me! If I have really offended you, please let me know and I will delete my comment, and you can delete yours too so that there is no record of it. I was just kidding Bradley, honest, but I don't want to do it if it hurts you.


    Edited to add: I am logging off for the evening. If DU posts something saying he is offended, please delete this and my original post in this thread.

  • darkuncle29

    I understand now. DO NOT change anything.

    My was because I have wanted to be a parent since I was about 5 --I can't say "Daddy" as that means something TOTALLY different in my tribe. No worries. I also took that to mean that Bradley may be attracted to chunky people, of whitch I was not at that age.

    It's all better now.

  • darkuncle29

    Will sombody PLEASE email growdup and tell her to come back. There is not going to be a cat fight. I'm not like that, and neither is she.

    As for deleting her comments, I think they should stay as an example of honest and simple misunderstanding on my part, and our mutual agrement that it was/is nothing.

  • imallgrowedup

    Dark -

    I paused the DVD to come check - wanted to make sure you're okay! Whew! Thanks for making me feel better! I hope we're friends?!

    Now, I will go back to my regularly scheduled program, the classic movie, "Lonesome Dove"!


  • Mulan
    So....I've decided that I should simply focus on my abs.

    That is attractive.................sounds good.

    I have a friend whose husband is a fitness fanatic and spends hours at the gym each week, and gives her very little attention. He is one of the vainest men I know, totally stuck on his own appearance...................and he is 61 years old................looks great, 15 years younger, but is it worth it?

  • drwtsn32
    Do you like really "buffed" mean?

    mean? All that testosterone is affecting your spelling!!

  • FlyingHighNow


    You sound like you are in good shape already. Concern yourself more with your personality and how you come across to women. If you concern yourself with the more surface things, that is likely the type of woman you are going to attract. You know, one who looks more at your surface than who you really are as a person.


  • talesin


    Body-builders are nice, but for me that screams 'narcissistic' and not LTR material. I had a bb 'friend' once, he was a real sweetie (and a beautiful bod, needless to say). However, he was overly self-focussed and liked a lot of attention, I pity the woman that falls for him. So, beautiful? Sometimes. A turn-on? Not for me.

    OTOH, anyone who takes care of their body is automatically attractive, since it is a sign of a healthy person. This doesn't mean 'hard body', but someone who exercises regularly and maintains a modicum of good health.

    What is attractive? CLEAN, with a personal style. Skinny, meaty, tall, short doesn't really matter, attraction (for moi) starts with the mind ...

    (And btw, I agree with you, whassup with the Julia Roberts thing? I'll take Rita Hayworth any day.)

    So, if your abs are your best feature, go for it. You'll enjoy the workouts more because of the quick benefits. There's nothing wrong with 'accentuating the positive' when it comes to your appearance.


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