I know it's out of character, but I have a sex question for the ladies...

by logansrun 46 Replies latest social relationships

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie

    I find overly 'buff' men a real turn off. I guess you could say I prefer the boy next door type...men who are just regular guys--not too skinny, not all grotesquely muscled up, but who can flex a bicep in the mirror aftter a morning shower and look cute as hell doing it.

    If I were looking around the room and picking out the men I am most attracted to, they'd generally be the 'average' ones--men who are clean cut, have nice smiles and a twinkle in their eye when they look back at me. My husband describes himself as 'painfully average'. I, of course, think he's nothing of the sort--he's the most extraordinary man I've ever known, and the handsomest man on earth.

  • patio34

    Hi Bradley,

    Well, since I'm in an older generation, you needn't worry about it. I have always preferred men who were pretty muscular and was not attracted at all to thinner, more "wirey" type builds. Also, men who were a bit on the short side, say, around 5' 8" or so. In fact, I would prefer a man who was cuddly, being on the stockier side.

    NOW, Jared Diamond, Pulitzer-Prize winner for Guns, Germs, & Steel wrote in The Third Chimpanzee, I think it was, that we are attracted pretty much to the type of person we were around most up to age 5. Most of the men in my family were the kind I described as being attracted to. His point was that we form our ideas of what is attractive during our first five years and then keep that pretty much the rest of our lives.

    It's an interesting theory, don't you think? And makes for no hurt feelings by anyone, plus a wide variety of tastes.


  • logansrun
    NOW, Jared Diamond, Pulitzer-Prize winner for Guns, Germs, & Steel wrote in The Third Chimpanzee, I think it was, that we are attracted pretty much to the type of person we were around most up to age 5.

    Oh shit.


  • darkuncle29

    Personality is everything. Including inteligence.

    Builder types go too far and distort what makes a man beautiful.

    That's just me and my very atypical preferences.

    I have friends in the martial arts/yoga scene, their GFs/wives agree with me: they look good.

  • patio34

    Lol @ Bradley ! Why do you say "oh s**t," I wonder....

  • imallgrowedup

    Pat -

    Why do you say "oh s**t,"

    'Cuz Dark Uncle raised him from an infant! But don't tell him that because he hasn't come to terms with it, yet!


  • logansrun

    Okay, so here's my little dilemma.

    I always get on these "exercise kicks" and think I'm going to tone my body from a 180 lb college student to a 200 lb Bruce-Lee-esque Killing Machine tm . I can never really keep it up, though. (The exercise routine silly)

    So....I've decided that I should simply focus on my abs. That's right, my abs. I can usually develop a faint outline of an eight-pack (yes eight, weird) after about two weeks.

    Figure I can't go wrong with that, eh?


  • Leolaia

    I'll try really try not to turn this into another intellectual 'n religious debate thread! hehe

    Buffed is okay but nuthin special. Really. I can definitely be (and have been) attracted to both scrawny and chubby. In fact I might even prefer either over buffed 'cause I really do go more for personality and da mind. I guess like geeks more prolly cause i'm a geek myself!

  • BeautifulGarbage
    Big, bulging biceps?

    Big, bulging...

    but not biceps

  • SheilaM

    LR: Why not just get in shape and get toned. Something you can keep up with

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