How to take down the WTS. Maybe for good.

by avishai 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    There R a lot of people who live near the local KH who R bothered by the local jws calling who would gladly sign such a petition!

  • freedom96

    How would we be able to witness back to them if they couldn't come to the door in the first place? We have way too much good information that we need to share with them.

    They would just become stronger, thinking this is a sign of the end, being that they are being so persecuted.

  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    I agree with Freedom96.

    They'll think it's a sign of the end. I try to imagine what my mother would think.....I know she would say its persecution just like the society said. Stronger they would become and start counting the days until Armaggedon.

  • Faust

    They can think I'm Satan incarnate for all I care as long as they don't bug me at my house anymore ;-).

    This is a great idea Avishai, I would definately do it as well. Although this neighborhood seems eerily quiet of JW's, but better to have the option to opt out of any future visits :-).

  • Sirona

    We don't care what the JWs themselves actually think, we just want to prevent them pushng their religion onto everyone in their own homes!


  • HadEnuf

    Hmmmmmmmmmmm...a very intriguing idea avishai! Cathy L.

  • imallgrowedup

    Here's an idea from another thread:

    Edited to add: MAYBE we could form the "International Apostate Association" and have our first meeting in Cancun. Meeting agenda to be: should we sue the WT for defamation of character, libel and slander? It could be a write off for all of us.......

    We could group together and sue them for the damage they have done to our reputations by calling us liars and the emotional damage because they tell active members to treat us as though we are dead because we TOLD THE TRUTH about them! If we won, we could use the $$ to pay legal fees for molestation victims, or to fund exit counselling, or to fund letter-writing campaigns, etc. Wouldn't it be ironic if the WT ended up paying for everything being used against them....?! Sweet!


  • Phantom Stranger
    Phantom Stranger

    Maybe if we sneaked into Brooklyn Bethel and flushed all the toilets at the same time....

  • avishai

    LOL @ Phantom Stranger

  • DevonMcBride

    I'm also in.


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