What did you do with all your WT literature?

by Nosferatu 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nosferatu

    Just saw Valis' burning WT again. There was a thread on this a long time ago, and it was funny as hell!

    So, what DID you do with all your WT literature?

  • Love_Truth

    With the exception of the NWTs, I ripped the covers off, threw them in the garbage, and took the remainder(the pages) down to the paper recycling center.


    Doing my part to care for the environment.

  • shamus

    I dropped it off in boxes at the local kingdumb hall; three large boxes.

    It all should have been burnt, where drunk and stoned apostates would have been dancing about with faces painted and contorted in firery flashes, red demon burning eyes wild with nightmarish thoughts, chanting and screaming curses as jehovah and worshipping baal.

  • Strawberryfieldsforever

    We burned them all on the brush pile. Even the fancy bibles with leather and all the song books. The only thing I have left are those cassette tapes of "My book of bible stories" and the "Kingdom melodies". Anyone have any good ideas for getting rid of them? Throwing them in the garbage just seems too nice.....

  • Trailblazer

    I left all of mine at my parents house, they want it they can have it. TB

  • garybuss

    I saved it all and went out and bought more. Then I sat down and read much of it. It has come in handy over and over.

    I have voids in my library. If anyone has some WT books they want to get rid of, please let me know. garybuss at dakota dot net


  • Dansk


    Did you really dump it in the fog?

    I gave mine away to someone here (for research purposes) - who is active in exposing Watchtower.

    I couldn't bear the stuff in the house anymore.


  • Sunnygal41
    It all should have been burnt, where drunk and stoned apostates would have been dancing about with faces painted and contorted in firery flashes, red demon burning eyes wild with nightmarish thoughts, chanting and screaming curses as jehovah and worshipping baal.

    Shamus!!!!! ROTFLMAO!!!! You're MY kind of guy!!!!

    I had my ex come and take all the bound volumes away................and the other shit I threw in the trash, except for the Studies in the Scriptures..........I kept them to use against the dubs, and, I kept my old NWT Bible, for the same reason, and, the Paradise Lost book to remember the images I saw as a child and show to non-dubs.


  • Mulan

    We kept a few things, for sentimental, and research reasons, but took 99% of it to the dump. Good riddance!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Nosferatu
    The only thing I have left are those cassette tapes of "My book of bible stories" and the "Kingdom melodies". Anyone have any good ideas for getting rid of them?

    Record some Iron Maiden onto them and drop them off at your local Thrift store. Some thrifty JW will be sure to find them.

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