Does a sex offender deserve another chance for a new life?

by sunshineToo 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • sunshineToo

    Take for example Carry Verse. Hospital said that he was dangerous. But he said that he was a new man (a jw), and wanted to build up a new life.

    What do you think? If he moves into your neighborhood, how would you feel?

    For me, I would treat him as normal as possible (like greeting at the store and on the street), but still will be very cautious around him. I would not be alone with him or would not let my children go near him.

  • Love_Truth

    Nope, a bullet in the head and let God sort 'em out!

  • shotgun

    Guess it depends on the seems that many of the worst offenses or murders are committed by repeat offenders...ones who were given a second chance, sometimes a third and fourth chance.

  • kat2u

    I agree with sunshine !I would give them another chance but be cautious.

  • avishai

    Hell no, the recidivism rate is WAYYYYY too high. Up to 95% of these guys reoffend. The risk is not worth one rape, or molestation. execution is sad, but necessary in these cases.

  • Yerusalyim

    As long as there's a way to make the distinction between the 18 year old that has the mature 15 year old girl friend and is charged with rape I think true sex offenders should be given LIFE, or banished to their own little island where they can molest one another forever.

  • Valis

    OK I'll throw in an example of maybe an exception. A freind of mine did something stupid w/a girl who lied about her age. I'm not defending him or condoning any of his behavior but this is the way it went down. The girl got caught by her parents and they filed sexual assault w/a minor on him. She lied to get out of being in trouble. he got 10 years probation, house arrest w/a monitoring collar, a huge fine and lost his job. Does he deserve another chance? I think so. I don't think he would ever make such a life altering mistake again and I would even go so far as to say having my children in his presence doesn't bother me at all. They get listed in the sex offender database, have all the restrictions the ones that abuse small children do. To me the guy who has sex w/a teenage girl and there are other circumstances then I say yeah. Child molesters though need a nail in the head. Now from a father's perspective, if my child had sexual activities before she was 18 then I might just kill him and ground her till she was at least 55. *LOL* But that's just the paternal nature in me I suppose.


    District Overbeer

  • gumby

    There are too many scenarios to answer this. You would have to know the particular situation and the history of the offender. If they are the sick bastards....( and I mean that in a loving way)... that are attracted to children, then they are generally set in their ways for life. An alcoholic is an alcoholic for life.....and so are "these types" of offenders.

    If a 40 year old man messed around with a 16 year old.......I would not say he has an sexual disfunction in that he is attracted to kids. Perhaps this particular man KNOWS he really really screwed up, and messed with someone underage, and is kicking himself in the arse for being so stupid, and would never do it again. (You can change the age of the girl to 17 and three quarters if it makes ya feel any better.)

    Circumstances differ.


  • shamus

    Until you can go by a case by case scenario your question will go unanswered. Some don't and some do. They need to prove themselves first, and the system in place does not do an adequate job right now.

    Definetly, some do, some don't.

    The government who realeased the criminals who then re-offend need to be held accountable for they're actions. Until then, there will be no way that you can trust a sex offender.

  • gumby

    Poor ol' Shamus, the braindead bastard. He said what I said. What a copycater


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