Does a sex offender deserve another chance for a new life?

by sunshineToo 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mary
    A freind of mine did something stupid w/a girl who lied about her age.

    Well then that's her fault as far as I'm concerned. Many girls who are 15 years old LOOK at least 18 (I know I did), so this guy can hardly be blamed for believing her.

    I think it's utterly ridiculous for the laws to punish someone in cookie-cutter fashion for having sex under the age of 18. I was going out with someone who was 20 years old when I was 17. If we hadn't of been Witnesses at the time, we most certainly would have ended up having sex. I was madly in love with him and wish to this day that I had of married him. Anyway, lets say we did end up sleeping together. Going by the letter of the law, he would be thrown into jail for having sex with someone under the age of 18. Pretty damn stupid as I knew exactly what I would have been doing and it would have been consentual.

    Everyone knows that Elvis started dating Priscilla when she was only 14, although according to Priscilla, they never actually had sex until their wedding night. In the mean time, she moves in with him when she was 17 years old and they practice 'alternative sex' (we won't go there). If you applied the rules of today, Elvis should have been thrown into jail for living with a minor.

    It's really rather silly because most girls lose their virginity long before the age of 18 and it's usually consentual. There's a huge difference between having consentual sex with a 16 or 17 year old, and raping a 9 or 10 year old child.

    For someone in your friend's position, I would definitely say he deserves another chance. He doesn't sound like he's a pedophile.

  • franklin J
  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Keep in mind that other cultures, besides our own, have their OWN sexual mores, and these are brought into our country through immigration. There are many cultures that believe that a girl that is beginning her menstrual cycle is ready to begin her reproductive life. She is "initiated" through a very complex ritual and made to be a woman. A woman, to other cultures, is someone that has babies, nurtures them, and takes on the domestic chores of a household, while the men go out and make a living for their families. Family roles are distinctly defined. This is not wrong, nor is it right, it just *is*. While *we* think that a girl under 18 is not ready for this, other cultures define 18 as an old maid. The girls in these other cultures, are taught how to gather food, take care of babies, etc., as is needed by their tribe/culture. Boys are also initiated into an adult culture when they are very young.

    When I was 15, my Greek grandmother was already searching for a husband for me. Of course, I thought she was nuts. She found a 52 YO guy in Toronto who had a bagel shop and she wanted me to marry him, and I scoffed and laughed at her. She threw a sugar bowl at me. Never defy your Greek grandmother.

    I'm just saying: there are other ways of thinking about adulthood besides the American way. In this country, however, it's very bad for a man to hook up with a 13 year old that he is so much older than. That's our law and we have to live by it. But I wouldn't take the liberty to call a 27 year old guy in Pakistan hookin up with a 14 year old a PERVERT. It's just the culture, ya know? If both cultures understand it, what's the problem?

    There is a group that busts American pervs though.. if you want to look at it, it's:

    This is the place where all the American pervs get off.


    word of mouth can be very effective in warning others

    ..................but be prepared to get df'ed. That's what happened to me!

    But who gives a rat's, better to get df'ed and warn others than stay in and watch other kids suffer.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    But who gives a rat's, better to get df'ed and warn others than stay in and watch other kids suffer.


    I calculate my father abused me 3-4 times a week for 3 years

    • 3 x 52 = 156 x 3 = 568 times or
    • 4 x 52 = 208 x 3 = 624

    I calculate my step-father abused me once a week for a year = 52 times

    a friend of the family 2 years once a month = 24 times

    neighbor 2 times

    stranger once

    3 uncles together (different times) - 10 times

    all before I was 13 years old

    They sure knew how to spot a victim

    It's absolutely amazing to me that I didn't try to kill any of them. Many of them had multiple victims too. What more chances would you want to give them?

  • avishai


    Your perspective is so valuable on this board, and the fact that you are brave enough to share is so healing to myself and others.

  • sunshineToo

    what do you know? Carry Verse was missing yesterday. I don't know if he is back, but the authority was looking for him yesterday morning and was concern.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Thank you Avi

    I debated posting that but decided to because it gives a truer picture of what a child has to deal with who lives with their abuser. Too often people think it happens occasionally. Or just a few times. The reality for most victims where the abuser has regular contact is that their lives are little more than coping from one assault to the next. Life is a nightmare of attacks and pretense that everything is normal when nothing is normal at all.

    That these perps get off so lightly is inexcusable. My father (the only one of the above taken to court) got a $50 fine and a 3 year suspended sentence.

    Reality is that most offenders never are reported. Most remain free to repeat their abuses either on the same victim or on new ones. It sickens me.

  • LittleToe

    Like I often say - castration is too good for them...
    ... but it'd be a start!!!

    (if they repeat offend, after that, chop their hands off. Waddayaknow, the Middle East may have something right!)

  • orangefatcat

    To Child Molesters Pedophiles, I say shoot the bastards and I mean that truly I do.

    They are the lowest dirty filthy pigs. They are the scum of the earth. They are loathsome.

    As for other instances I need to know the facts...first...I am not vengeful, but in the other matter I am.

    Lee I am proud of you, to know you, to call you my friend. You are the most wonderful person in the world and may you be blessed for you have endured a horrific ordeal. Let them rot in Hell. Hugs to all who have endured for there are many and many say nothing.

    Lotus Flower

    Love Orangefatcat.Visit My Mail Stamp!Roses

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